Arch to Nowhere – L'Arche qui mène nulle part

I loved going under this archway when we cycle between Blois and Saint Dyé sur Loire. It used to be connected to a bridge before, of course. J’adore passer sous cette arche lorsqu’on fait du vélo entre Blois et Saint Dyé sur Loire. Autrefois, bien sûr, elle était reliée à un pont.  

The Brick Tower – La tour en brique

This is a different view of the courtyard of the Lion d’or restaurant and hotel in Romorantin that you can see in my post entitled  Courtyard Lunch. It was built in the 16th century and has been a hotel since 1774. C’est une autre vue de la cour du restaurant et hôtel Le Lion d’or …

The Broken iPhone – L'iPhone cassé

Now I bet you’re thinking that the title is a mistake. Well, it isnt. We were taking a stroll in the twilight and saw this beautifully restored pigeon house behind a wrought-iron gate. To get a better photo, I slid my iPhone behind the bars and – you guessed it – it somehow slipped out …

Love Scallop – Coquille Saint Jacques d'amour

I was intrigued to see a scallop shell on the façade of the 14th century Palazzo Bembo on the Grand Canal as it usually symbolises St Jacques de Compostelle (Santiago de Compostela in France. Further research reveals that it is the convex scallop shell that represents St Jacques while the concave shell symbolises Venus, much …

Royal Squares – Carrés royaux

These sculpted stone squares, in the lapidary section of Blois Castle, are both symbolic of François Ier, King of France from 1515 to 1547. The first shows his initial, F, surrounded by a monk’s cord with three knots forming an 8, which was the emblem of his mother, Louise de Savvoie. The second is the …

Salamander and Ermine – Salamandre et ermine

This is another of the magnificent painted fireplaces in Blois Castle in the King’s Room, with François I’s salamander on the left and the ermine of his wife, Claude de France, on the right. Voici une autre cheminées peinte magnifique qui se trouve au château de Blois dans la Salle du roi avec le salamandre …