The Lacy Roof – Le toit en dentelle

I think the lace bargeboard made of repoussé metal on this roof is quite extraordinary. The little half-timbered house is wedged in between two other very ordinary-looking houses and you have to really look closely to appreciate the beauty of this little roof. Thank you, Jean Michel. Je trouve extraordinaire la dentelle sur ce lambrequin …

Stepping Up to Saint Nicolas – Marches vers l'église Saint Nicolas

This stone staircase with its wrought iron railing is in Vienne, on the south-eastern bank of the Loire. It guides us to Saint Nicolas, one of Blois’ most recognizable monuments. Ce bel escalier avec sa rampe en fer forgé se trouve en Vienne, sur la rive gauche de la Loire. Il nous guide vers l’église …

Saint Pierre, Montlivault

Montlivault, 11 km from Blois, has a 12th century church that was recently restored. It also has a tall bell-tower with a portal from the late 15th century. During restoration, 15th century wall paintings were discovered which we haven’t visited yet. Montlivault, à 11 km de Blois possède une église du XIIe siècle nouvellement restaurée. …

Boar and Hounds – Sanglier et chiens

This beautifully preserved mosaic depicting a wild boar and two hounds is on the archway at the entrance to Château de Chaumont just next to the underground kitchens. Cette belle mosaïque représentant un sanglier et deux chiens de chasse se trouve sur l’architrave à l’entrée du château de Chaumont à côté des cuisines souterraines.  

Mullion Window & Porcupine – Fenêtre à meneau & porc épic

This beautiful mullion window is on the south-east façade of Blois Castle. On the right is the porcupine which, you may remember is the symbol of King Louis XII, born in the castle in 1462. His motto was “Qui s’y frotte s’y pique” which is a play on words: se frotter means both literally to rub up against …

Saint Nicolas des Motets

  Saint Nicolas des Motets was built in 1536. The painted decor embellishing a very simple architectural scheme was probably added a few years later. The iconography of the wall paintings, restored in 1996, is witness to the 16th century preoccupation with Redemption and the fear of death. Saint Nicolas is halfway between Blois and …

The Studiolo – Le studiolo

Known as the Queen’s Cabinet but in reality François I‘s studiolo (study) designed for king when the castle was built. The original sculpted  woodwork with its painted gilt candelebra makes it the only royal cabinet from the Renaissance to have survived in France. Le cabinet dit de la Reine, est en réalité le cabinet ou studiolo (lieu …

Flamboyant brick – Brique flamboyante

Built of brick and stone between 1498 and 1501, the Louis XII wing of Blois Castle is in the Gothic Flamboyant style combining elements of northern influence with ornaments of Italian origin. Construite en brique et pierre entre 1498 et 1501, l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois est marquée par le style gothique flamboyant …

Grey Trim – Entourage gris

Grey is not a traditional colour for door and window surrounds in the Loire Valley, but it corresponds to the latest trend in interior decoration in France where grey, taupe, white and écru are very widely used. Le gris n’est pas une couleur traditionnelle pour les entourages de portes et de fenêtre dans la vallée …