Floor tiles and autumn leaves in the King's Oratory – Pavés et feuilles d'automne dans l'oratoire du roi

A few autumn leaves on the floor tiles of the king’s oratory built in 1498,which is at the end of the Louis XII wing of Blois Royal Castle. Quelques feuilles d’automne sur les pavés de l’oratoire du roi construit en 1498 qui se trouve au bout de l’aile Louis XII du château royal de Blois.  

Beauvoir Tower – Tour Beauvoir

The 12th century Beauvoir Tower belonged to a vassal of the Count of Blois before it was purchased to form part of the town ramparts which date from the 13th century. In the 15th century, the keep was reduced in height by one third. Rebuilt in 1970, the oldest prison in France (14th century) is …

Spires of Saint Nicolas – Flèches de Saint Nicolas

The spires of Saint Nicolas, more recent than the rest of the church, were built in the 19th century by Louis Delton and Anatole de Baudot. Les flèches de l”église Saint Nicolas, plus récentes que le reste de l’église, sont construites au 19ème siècle par Louis Delton et Anatole de Baudot.   

Salamander Fireplace – Cheminée salamandre

Here is another magnificent Renaissance fireplace from Blois Royal Castle restored in the 19th century with a painted decor created by the architect Félix Duban. Like the main fireplace, the mantel carries François I’s emblematic salamander. You may remember that another fireplace represents Henri II and Catherine de Medicis. Voici une autre cheminée dans le …

Château Poulain

Up until 1992, the Poulain chocolate factory, built at the end of the 19th century by Auguste Poulain, was firmly established in the heart of Blois. Bought by Cadbury in 1991, the factory moved to the north of Blois, next to the A10 motorway. Today, it is owned by Kraft Foods. The remains of the …

Turquoise and purple house – Maison turquoise et violette

I love going past this house overlooking the Loire. It makes me think of those lovely seaside houses in Normandy.  The photo was obviously taken in the spring during wisteria time. Chaque fois que je passe devant cette maison qui surplombe la Loire, je l’admire. Elle me fait penser à ces belles maisons en bord …

Two arches in Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire – Deux arches à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire

Like many villages, Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire has lots of nooks and crannies. As you wander around you’ll see many arches such as this one with an inviting bench on the other side. Comme beaucoup de villages, il y a des coins et recoins à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire. Il suffit de vous promener et de passer sous des arches comme celle-ci pour …

Château de Menars in autumn – Château de Menars en automne

Château de Menars built in the 17th and 18th centuries seen from the bike path between Blois and Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire Le château de Menars construit aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles vu de la piste cyclable entre Blois et Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire