Postcard from Portugal – Guimarães

Guimarães, about 50 k north east of Porto, is where Portugal began with the first king, Alfonso Henriques, in the first half of the 12th century. There is a lovely medieval centre and castle. Guimarães, qui se trouve à une cinquantaine de kilomètres nord-est de Porto, est le berceau du Portugal où naquit Alfonso Henriques, …

Postcard from Porto – Sãn Bento Station

naThese friezes and murals made of azulejos tiles are in Sãn Bento train station built in the centre of Porto at the end of the 19th century. They depict a large number of scenes taken from Portuguese history. Ces frises et muraux en “azulejos” se trouvent dans la gare de Sãn Bento construite au centre …

An Elephant on the Loire – Un éléphant sur la Loire

I’ve never seen this elephant in Nantes myself, The photo comes to us from Kees Van Dijk, our Dutch friend. The machine, built in 2007,  can take up to 52 passengers for a 45-minute tour. Je n’ai jamais vu cet éléphant moi-même à Nantes. La photo nous vient de Kees Van Dijk, notre ami néerlandais. Cette machine …

Postcard #29 – Chagall in Metz Cathedral

Right at the top of the triforium, Chagall’s stained glass windows in Metz Cathedral are less visible than in Reims, but still as easy to recogise. Incrusted with saphirs, topaze, rubies, emeralds and amethysts, they were mounted between 1958 and 1968. Last stop before home. Montés tout en haut du triforium, les vitraux de Chagall …