The Bower Bird – L’oiseau jardinier

You may remember a blue garden exhibit at Château de Chaumont inspired by the bower bird’s nest that I posted a few days ago. Chad Addison, an amateur photographer living in Canberra just happens to have a bower bird in his garden. Since retiring he has conducted various workshops as part of a U3A photography …

Blue Desire – Désir blue

This is one of the entries in the Garden Festival at Chateau de Chaumont and is inspired by the Australian bower bird, a very sleek satiny blue bird known for their unique courtship behaviour, where males build a structure and decorate it with sticks and brightly coloured objects in an attempt to attract a mate. …

Cranes Overhead – Grues au dessus de la tête

We actually heard them before we saw them. I was wearing my rubber gardening gloves and had trouble pulling them off in time to take a photo with my iPhone. A sure sign of spring! Nous les avons entendues avant de les voir. Je portais des gants de jardinage et je n’avais du mal à …

Deer in the Snow – Chevreuils dans la neige

We woke up to snow this morning and the surprise of seeing three deer in the garden. They are to the right of the tree at the top of the path. The birds came in flocks. I counted about 30 at one stage. The sun came out and melted most of the snow by late …

Baa Baa Black Sheep – Mes bêtes noires

The title in French has nothing to do with our nursery rhyme. « Bête noire » which literally means black beast or black animal is used to indicate something you hate such as spelling. Le titre en anglais n’a rien à voir avec bête noire. C’est le début d’une cantine pour enfant « Mê, mê …

Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 17 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 17

I mentioned a while ago that we had put up a new fence at the bottom of the garden to keep the deer out of my Christmas roses and tender plant shoots so we were somewhat dismayed to see these two yesterday morning near the medlars. We watched them disappear so we know where they …

Lockdown #2 Phase 2 – Day 5 – Reconfinement Phase 2 – Jour 5

These sheep live at the end of our street in a stud along with some goats that have appeared here in the past. I just love the way the first one is posing. After we walked past them, they all started following us. Talk about a lot of sheep. Ces moutons habitent au bout de …

Lockdown #2 Day 27 – Reconfinement Jour 27

On our walk today – the last where we will be limited to a radius on 1 K and one hour (tomorrow we are gardening at my holiday rental before the first frost) – we went past what is usually a duck pond and couldn’t see any ducks. But as we got closer we were …

Lockdown #2 Day 18 – Reconfinement Jour 18

We were having lunch in the garden today, at 14 degrees, thanks to our outdoor heater, when the next door dogs on both sides starting barking furiously. Then the gunshots began – we eventually realized there were hunters in the woodland opposite culling the wild boar. After a series of loud shots, we started hearing …