Long-tailed tits – Mésanges à longue queue

These fat balls are next to a well-protected window on the first floor. It’s the long-tailed tits’ favourite feeder. Ces boules de graisse se trouvent devant une fenêtre au premier étage bien abrité et en sécurité. C’est la mangeoire préférée des mésanges à longue queue.

Two Little Bugs – Deux petites bestioles

These two little bugs come to us care of our friends Monique and Jacky. The first is a and the second is a grasshopper and the second a cricket. Maybe our friend Susan from Days on the Claise can help us identify them more scientifically. Ces deux petites bestioles nous viennent de nos amis Monique …

Two Little Finches – Deux petits verdiers

With the warmer weather last week, our garden birds seemed to have left our sunflower seeds alone but today I saw these two little green finches scrabbling around. A crested tit turned up a bit later but he was a bit more timid so I couldn’t take a photo. The yellow flowers in the background are …

Ateliers Créations Minatures

You may remember a photo I took of a stall at the Blois Christmas market that I said I’d go back to. I was very taken with the handmade miniature garden birds. I did go back and we bought five little birds that we know well – the coaltit,  crested tit, goldfinch and nuthatch love the fat balls and …