These fat balls are next to a well-protected window on the first floor. It’s the long-tailed tits’ favourite feeder. Ces boules de graisse se trouvent devant une fenêtre au premier étage bien abrité et en sécurité. C’est la mangeoire préférée des mésanges à longue queue.
Category Archives: Birds & beasts
Swanee River – La rivière des cygnes
For once, the weather and the week-end managed to get together so we went for a long walk along the Loire, just north of the nuclear power plant in Saint-Laurent-Nouan which you can see below. Spot the swans in the first photo. 22
Feeding the Birds – Nourrir les oiseaux
It takes about 20 minutes to feed our birds every day and the more you put out, the more birds you attract! Il faut environ 20 minutes pour nourrir nos oiseaux le matin et plus on met, plus ils sont nombreux !
Storks far from home – Cigognes loin de chez eux
You don’t usually see storks this far west, but I guess it’s nostalgia :). On ne voit pas souvent de cigognes dans le centre de la France mais je suppose que quelqu’un a le mal du pays :).
Two Little Bugs – Deux petites bestioles
These two little bugs come to us care of our friends Monique and Jacky. The first is a and the second is a grasshopper and the second a cricket. Maybe our friend Susan from Days on the Claise can help us identify them more scientifically. Ces deux petites bestioles nous viennent de nos amis Monique …
Horse & Bus – Cheval et bus
I was standing in front of the main post office in Blois when I saw this horse and cart go by followed by a very modern bus! J’étais devant la poste principale à Blois lorsque j’ai vu cette carriole suivie de près d’un bus moderne !
The Donkey – L'âne
We see a surprising number of donkeys when we’re cycling. I think this one rather hoped we had something to offer. Nous voyons un nombre surprenant d’ânes lorsque nous sommes en vélo. Je pense que celui-ci espérait quelque chose à manger.
Two Little Finches – Deux petits verdiers
With the warmer weather last week, our garden birds seemed to have left our sunflower seeds alone but today I saw these two little green finches scrabbling around. A crested tit turned up a bit later but he was a bit more timid so I couldn’t take a photo. The yellow flowers in the background are …
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A Rooster on a Wall – Un coq sur un mur
I love walking in French villages – you never know what you’re going to see., like this rooster at La Chaussée-Saint-Victor. J’adore me promener dans les villages en France – on ne sait jamais ce qu’on va voir, comme ce coq à La Chaussée-Saint-Victor.
Ateliers Créations Minatures
You may remember a photo I took of a stall at the Blois Christmas market that I said I’d go back to. I was very taken with the handmade miniature garden birds. I did go back and we bought five little birds that we know well – the coaltit, crested tit, goldfinch and nuthatch love the fat balls and …