Castor or Coypu – Castor ou ragondin

This photo is obviously not taken with my iPhone 🙂 but by Jean Michel with his 300 mm x 2 lens. We don’t know enough about castors and coypus to know what this one is. Evidemment cette photo n’a pas Ă©tĂ© prise avec mon iPhone 🙂 mais par Jean Michel avec son objectif 300 mm …

Transparency – La transparence

222Ă©Ă©22We often have dragonflies in the garden but they whizz around so quickly they I can’t even attempt to photograph them. This one was sitting still on the bamboo stake used to support our tomato plants today so I ran off to get my iPhone. I can only assume it was on its last legs …

Cormorant Trees – Feuilles en cormorans

We were astonished to see so many cormorants in the trees as we were cycling along the Loire this evening between Blois and Cour-sur-Loire. Nous étions étonnés de voir autant de cormorans dans les arbres ce soir lorsque nous faisions du vélo sur la Loire entre Blois et Cour-sur-Loire.

The Cat and the Castle – Le chat et le château

When we arrived at our monthly Loire Connexion anglophile get-together Ile d’Or at in Amboise last night, the light was extraordinary. And just as I was about to take a photo of the castle, this cat ran past along the wall in front of me! Lorsque nous sommes arrivĂ©s Ă  la soirĂ©e mensuelle d’angophiles de la Loire …

Postcard from Germany – Geese Crossing

We had just cycled across the little Baroque bridge of GrĂĽnbach near Gerlachsheim today when I saw these geese timidly cross the road. Nous venions de traversĂ© le petit pont baroque de GrĂĽnbach près de Gerlachsheim en vĂ©lo aujourd’hui lorsque j’ai vu ces oies traverser la route bien timidement.

Happy Hedgehogs – HĂ©rissons heureux

So, where are the hedgehogs? Probably sleeping it off after draining the slug-catching beer and overturning the cups. I’ve been having a hard time with this rainy weather getting my lettuces to maturity this year so we tried the beer trap. It gets rid of the slugs and snails but attracts the hedgehogs! Unlike last …

The New Loire Observatory – Le nouvel observatoire Loire

On Saturday when we were cycling from Blois to Cour-sur-Loire, we discovered a new riverside observatory to promote understanding and interest n the Loire particularly on the part of children. The LPO41 biodiversity group was also present. Inauguration 4 and 5 June at the Parc des MĂ©es. Samedi lorsque nous faisions de vĂ©lo entre Blois …

Eurasian Jay – Geai des chĂŞnes

While we were away, we had a friend feed the birds at the front of the house but not at the back. On our return, we filled the feeder at the back and were surprised to see this Eurasian jay instead of the tits and nuthaches that used to come before we left. Pendant notre …