Our birds are back! – Nos oiseaux sont de retour

With the return of the cold weather, we have started feeding our garden birds again with sunflower seeds and fat balls. They are very hard to photograph particularly when the sun finally comes out but you can see a great tit on the feeder. My favourite is the crested tit but he flies off as soon …

City Daily Photo Theme Day – Friends

I haven’t posted on City Daily Photo Theme Day for a very long time. Something always seems to get in the way. This month’s theme is “friends”. Quite a lot of competition takes place on the feeder outside my kitchen window but this marsh tit and its cousin the blue tit seemed to be enjoying …

The New Bird Feeder – La nouvelle mangeoire

We’ve started feeding the birds again and seem to have more than ever. However, I really miss seeing them from my office window so today we bought a new feeder. We’re using small seed to see if that will attract different birds – we usually put sunflower seeds in the feeders which attract various sorts …

Savouring the Majoram – Heureux dans la marjolaine

The last time I photographed this Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius), it was on it’s last legs. Today, one of its cousins was flitting around the marjoram. La dernière fois que j’ai photographié ce papillon Flambé (Iphiclides podalirius), il était en piètre état. Aujourd’hui l’un de ses cousins papillonnait dans la marjolaine.

The Stripey Butterfly – Le papillon rayé

The only reason I could take this photo is that the butterfly was obviously on its last legs. I don’t know what sort it is but I hope it shows that our garden is a friendly environment. La seule raison que j’ai pu prendre cette photo est que le papillon était souffrant. Je ne connais …

Coal Tits & Daffodils – Mésanges charbonnières et jonquilles

I can’t keep away from this window at the moment. I wish it was my office window and not the kitchen! Je n’arrive pas à m’éloigner de cette fenêtre en ce moment. J’aimerais qu’elle soit celle de mon bureau et non pas la cuisine !

The White Heron – Le héron blanc

Jean Michel got very excited when he saw this white heron as he has only seen grey ones along the Loire up until now. You can see how big the sandbanks in the Loire are at the moment. Their presence is what makes the Loire unnavigable and even dangerous to swim in. Jean Michel était …