Jean Michel notice yesterday that our boxwood hedge was looking miserable then today, he took a closer look at the three boxwood bushes in the front garden and discovered a cute little caterpillar. It turns out that the Box Tree Moth, a native to easter Asia, arrived in France with a bang in 2007 from Germany and …
Category Archives: Birds & butterflies
Butterflies, perhaps? Des papillons peut-être ?
This pretty tenture or wall fabric is in Château de Chenonceau. Do you think to blue bits are supposed to be butterflies? Cette jolie tenture se trouve au château de Chenonceau. Pensez-vous que les motifs bleus sont des papillons?
Premier paon du jour
Our first peacock butterfly of the year fluttered around Jean Michel while he was removing moss from the roof. He was captivated by the complex beauty of its wing. Ce premier paon du jour de l’année a accompagné Jean-Michel dans ses travaux de démoussage sur le toit. La beauté complexe de sa “voilure” est captivante.
The Owl and the Foot – Le Hibou et le pied
This owl is at the foot of reclining statue in the lapidary section of Blois Castle but that is all I know. Ce hibou se trouve au pied d’un homme couché sur le côté dans la section lapidaire du château de Blois mais je n’en sais pas plus.
Peacock Butterfly – Paon du jour
I know little or nothing about butterflies but I hope my knowledge will improve with time. In any case, I think this one is beautiful. It’s scientific name is Aglais io and it’s commonly called a peacock or Irish butterfly. Je ne suis pas experte en papillon – loin de là – mais j’espère améliorer mes …