Category Archives: Blois Daily Photo
Shades of Grey – Camaïeu de gris
The weather is not very stable at the moment – one day sunny, one day rainy. Louis XII is well-sheltered up there on his horse on the façade of Blois Royal Castle. Le temps n’est pas très stable en ce moment : un jour soleil, un jour pluie. Louis XII a l’air de bien à l’abri là-haut sur son …
First anniversary: Royal Stripes – Premier anniversaire: Rayures royales
I’ve actually overstepped the first anniversary of Blois Daily Photo which was 25th July. I can’t say I’ve never missed a day – in fact I’ve missed about ten – but it’s been a challenge finding a daily photo when I don’t live in Blois permanently and I try to respect the seasons. It started …
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Snake’s Head Fritillaries in the Sun – Fritillaires pintades sous le soleil
Protected in numerous areas in France, the snake’s head fritillary [Frillaria meleagris], also called guinea flower and chequer lily, draws its name from the Latin fritillus, a dice tower, and various interpretations of its delicate pattern – snake’s head, guinea and chequer. It is found abundantly in March in natural wetlands such as the banks …
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Child on a Balcony – Enfant au balcon
Child surveying Rue Paul Renouard in Blois – on the left of the photo below. Cet enfant surveille la rue Paul Renouard à Blois – sur la gauche de la photo en-dessous.
Orchid about to take flight – L'envol de l'orchidée
At the Halle aux Grains exhibition hall in Blois on Saturday, I had the pleasure of visiting the Orchid Exhibition and discovering this surprising creature. Ce samedi à la Halle aux Grains de Blois j’ai eu le plaisir de visiter l’exposition d’orchidées et de découvrir cette surprenante créature.
Sunny terraces overlooking the Loire – Terrasses au soleil avec vue sur la Loire
Seen from the foot of Foix Tower in the grounds of Blois Castle, these lovely sunny terraces seem to be beckoning to us even though you may notice there aren’t any deck chairs at the beginning of March. Vues depuis le pied de la tour du Foix au château de Blois, ces belles terrasses bien …
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The Brick Kiln – Le four à briques
The brick kilm from the old Laleu tilery in Cour-Cheverny, located at 12 rue Denet, Carroir, is one of the rare vestiges of one of the Loir et Cher’s flourishing traditional industries. In the early 20th century, every town or village in Sologne had between one and four brick kilns that produced the tiles and …
First Snowdrops – Premiers perce-neiges
These are the first snowdrops in our little wood though there has been no snow this year. Voici les premiers perce-neiges dans notre petit bois même s’il n’a pas encore neigé cette année.
The Oyster Boat – La barque aux huîtres
This well-stocked boat selling oysters and mussels is on Route Nationale (D956) just before Cosson Bridge next to a wine merchant. Open from the begininng of October to the end of April all day Friday and Saturday morning. Cette barque bien achalandée se trouve sur la route Nationale (D 956) juste avant le pont sur …