No I didn’t go back into the centre of Blois today. I took this photo yesterday. The Bagel Corner was more reassuring than the jewellery shop. We took a walk through the woods this after noon to avoid the cold north wind, something we haven’t been able to do for several weeks. No new deaths …
Category Archives: Blois
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1 #3
Today we ventured into the centre of Blois to change my watch battery but I was not impressed by the presence of 5 people at a time in a small space with only 2 of us wearing masks. I waited outside while the battery was being changed. I am going to stay out of built-up …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1 #2
If you were expecting photos other than the flowers in my garden you can blame the north wind! This is my yellow and white corner. No new deaths in our area but another 348 in France against 263 yesterday. However the number of new hospital admissions continues to decrease which I guess is more important. …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1 # 1
The weather was so awful this morning with the arrival of the “ice saints” that the first day of post-lockdown or déconfinement as the French call it seemed no different from the last 55 days! The so-called ice saints are St. Mamertus, St. Pancras and St. Servatius. Their feast days are 11th, 12th and 13th …
Covid Confinement Day 55 – The End
Today was the last day of lockdown. We took our last restricted walk and went past my favorite corner. Those little pink flowers are salvia Hotlips. There was a new death in our area today but the total number of new deaths in France was down again, from 80 yesterday to 70 today. I still …
Covid Confinement Day 55
Our second-last restricted walk today. I have to say that it has encouraged me to walk far more than I did before and we are lucky to have so many neighbours who make an effort with their pavements. No more deaths in our area today and only 80 new deaths in France in the last …
Covid Confinement Day 54
I love this climbing rose beautifully named Orchid Smile. This is the first year it has intertwined with the peace rose. Another death in our area and the number of new deaths in France was up again, from 178 yesterday to 243. Today is Victory in Europe Day, 75 years after the end of the …
Covid Confinement Day 50
The cherries are in the making. Spot the scarecrow! Still another death today in our area bringing the total up to 50. The number of new deaths in France was 330, compared with 306 yesterday. The number of new cases in France also went up. It doesn’t feel like the virus is abating. I did …
Covid Confinement Day 49
This year’s grapes are already forming on the vine. Promises to come. We had another death today in our area, giving a total of 49. The number of new deaths in France was a disappointing 306 after 135 yesterday while the number of new cases more than doubled. Much less promising. Cette année les raisins …
Covid Confinement Day 47
These roses along our daily walk suddenly came into bloom and the gate took on a whole new dimension. We learnt today that anyone coming into France after the borders open on 11th May and up until 24th July, whether they are French or not, including from Corsica and the French overseas territories, must respect …