Covid Confinement Day 7

Today, it was announced that physical activity outside the home will now be limited to a radius of 1 km and one hour and you must note the time of departure on your declaration before you leave. Outdoor markets are banned until the mayor requests a special dispensation. At least we have spring to compensate! …

Covid Confinement Day 5 – The Market

The fresh produce market in Blois was still on today. Our organic vegetable farmer was present and had carefully organized things to respect social distancing. Two people were selling while a third looked after the till. The stalls were also spaced out. Our usual vendors were there – cheese, bread, eggs, Italian produce, coffee, fruit …

Supermarket during covid 19 lockdown – Supermarché pendant le confinement dû au covid 19

We are back in Blois having taken a very early flight from Heraklion. France went into lockdown at midday today. To go food shopping you need to take a self-declaration with you. Also we have discovered that only one person per household can enter the supermarket at the same time and the total number of …