In France all marriages must be performed at the local town hall even if there is a religious wedding. Today I was asked to interpret at a ceremony where the groom didn’t speak French. This is compulsory in France if either of the parties does not speak the language. The view outside is magnificent, overlooking …
Category Archives: Blois
Sandbanks at Dusk – Bancs de sable au crépuscule
If you look closely in the middle of the sandbank, you’ll see a little red sign saying that people are not allowed to go there because it’s a bird reserve. I’m sure these banks are much bigger than last year. Gabriel Bridge (Blois) is on the right with the neighbourhood called Vienne on the left. …
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Blois on a Hot Summer Day – Blois un jour chaud d'été
Always my favourite view of Blois! Toujours ma vue préférée de Blois !
Black and White Swirls – Tortillons noir et blanc
I’ve been trying to get a photo of the Denis Papin stairs in Blois since I got back from holiday but the light is never right when I’m there. I took this from the car today! J’essaie de prendre une photo de l’escalier Dénis Papin depuis notre retour de vacances mais ce n’est jamais la …
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Trompe l’œil in France
It’s quite unusual to see this type of trompe l’œil in France but maybe it’s starting a new trend. Ce n’est pas souvent qu’on voit ce type de trompe l’œil en France ; peut-être que c’est une nouvelle tendance.
The Beer Bar – Le bar à bière
This café restaurant in Blois has an impressive selection of beers – not that I’m a beer drinker! Ce bar-restaurant à Blois a un choix impressionnant de bières mémé je ne n’apprécie pas la bière !
Classic Cars in Blois – Voitures anciennes à Blois
Our friends Susan and Simon from Loire Valley Time Travel came to collect us in their 1953 Citroën Traction Avant called Célestine on Sunday to participate in the Blois classic car festival. Below are some of the other vehicles: the first was the oldest car there – a 1923 Peugeot; next a Renault 4L with its …
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The Wine Bar – Le bar à vin
After a very tardy spring, it was suddenly summer today with 26°C! Everyone was in the street and at the sidewalk cafés in Blois. Après un printemps bien tardif, c’était tout d’un coup l’été aujourd’hui avec 26°C. Tout le monde était dans la rue et sur les terrasses de café.
Boats on the Loire – Barques sur la Loire
We don’t usually have boats across the Loire in Blois but there is a a limited experimental service from one side to the other for the Saturday morning market. D’habitude nous n’avons pas de bateaux qui traversent la Loire à Blois mais il y a un service réduit expérimental en ce moment pendant le marché …
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Smart Shutter Holder – Attache-volet astucieuse
This very clever shutter attachment is one of a pair. Unfortunately, the second one is missing. We’re going to keep our eyes open at second-hand fairs from now on. Cette attache-volet très astucieux manque son pendant malheureusement. Nous allons essayer d’en trouver une autre dans une brocante.