As we drove through Blois yesterday, I saw this beautiful magnolia and thought it would make a great photo with the castle behind so I went back today. Unfortunately, my favourite magnolia below, along the Loire seems to have disappeared. Lorsqu’on passait par le centre de Blois en voiture hier, j’ai vu cette merveilleuse magnolia. …
Category Archives: Blois
Favourite Corner of the Garden – Mon coin préféré du jardin
This is my favourite corner of the garden at the moment. Spring is such a wonderful time! Voici mon coin préféré du jardin en ce moment. Le printemps est vraiment merveilleux !
A Castle in a Train Station – Un château dans une gare
These are three views of Blois Royal Castle inside Blois train station – the Gaston d’Orléans wing (with the Italianate Renaissance façade on the left), the François I staircase during the sound and light show and the Louis XII wing (with the staircase on the left). 22
Sun on the Castle – Soleil sur le château
It is so wonderful to have blue skies at last! A real promise of spring. This is the beautiful italianate façade of Blois Royal Castle. C’est merveilleux d’avoir enfin du soleil ! Une vraie promesse de printemps. Voici la belle façade de style renaissance italienne du château de Blois.
Sun on the Cathedral – Soleil sur la cathédrale
Sun at last and 13 degrees but how long will it last? Enfin du Soleil et treize degrés mais pour combien de temps ?
Unexpected Snow – De la neige inattendue
When I posted yesterday, I really did not expect to see snow again so soon! This is the scene we woke to this morning. By this afternoon, most of the snow had disappeared and our daffodils are raising their heads again. Lorsque j’ai posté hier, je ne m’attendais pas à voir autant de neige de …
The Little Cul-de-Sac – La petite impasse
I love the mixture of architecture in this little cul-de-sac whic is called an “impasse” in French although it is still possible to say “cul-de-sac” which literally means the bottom of the bag. J’adore le mélange d’architecture dans cette petite impasse qui, curieusement, se dit “cul de sac” en anglais.
All Rugged Up – Tout emmitouflé
We weren’t sure, considering the snow and temperatures over the last few days, whether there would be many people at the monthly second-hand/antiques market, but there was a surprising turnout – and enough to pick up the very good etching below of the François I staircase in Blois Castle for 15 euros. Etant données la …
Snow on the Hydrangeas – De la neige sur les hortensias
This is what I woke up to this morning. It’s been sleeting and snowing all day and despite a temperature of -1°C, there is about as much snow tonight as there was this morning. It seems we should get more tomorrow. 22
The Purple Shutters – Les volets mauves
I think these purple shutters really brighten up this old square in the historical quarter of Puits Chatel in Blois although they probably weren’t approved by the national heritage people. A “grenier à sel” is a salt storehouse. Je trouve que ces volets mauves égayent bien la place du Grenier au Sel dans le quartier historique de …