Flowers at the Ready – Des gerbes toute prêtes

In France,11th November commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” A ceremony takes place in each town and flowers are placed on the war memorial. We were surprised …

Blois on Sunday – Blois le dimanche

  I love driving along the river in Blois on the opposite side from the cathedral and castle. This was actually last Sunday but the post got stuck in Cyperspace. J’aime bien me promener à Blois en face de la cathédrale et du château. La photo a été prise dimanche dernier mais le post s’est …

The Solitary Leaf – La feuille solitaire

I walked out the door of the apartment we are renovating in the mediaeval, treeless part of Blois today and was surprised to see this lonesome red leaf among the paving stones. Lorsque je suis sortie ce matin de l’appartement que nous sommes en train de rénover dans le quartier médiéval sans arbre de Blois j’étais …

Through the Archway – A travers l'arche

This photo is taken in the Puits Chatel quarter of Blois from the back of two of the Renaissance houses in Rue du Puits Châtel. At least, I think so … Cette photo est prise dans le quartier Puits Chatel à Blois derrière deux hôtels particuliers d’époque Renaissance dans la rue du Puits Châtel. Mais …