Bizy Back Soon – Ouverture aléatoire

I think this is a great sign! It so reminds me of Christopher Robin’s note to Winnie the Pooh “Gon Out Bizy Back Soon”. It is on one of the bookshops in Blois and says literally “Random Opening until 4th February. Outdoor activity. For all information 06 61 40 00 65. OPEN SATURDAY”. I’d love …

Linking East & West – Passerelle entre est et ouest

I’m embarrassed to say that although the footbridge to take pedestrians and cyclists over the railway lines in Blois, thus linking up the east and west of the city, was inaugurated in June 2015, I only seen the helicoidal ramp next to the train station. We came upon this wall recently and I realised it must …

The Lone Swan – Le cygne solitaire

I can never resist taking photos of swans. They glide along so elegantly. The spires are Saint Nicolas, with the Blois Royal Castle and Foix Tower on their right. Je ne résiste jamais à l’occasion de photographier un cygne. Ils glissent sur l’eau si élégamment. Les flèches sont celles de l’église Saint Nicolas, avec le château …

Italian Warmth in Winter – Chaleur italienne en hiver

This is a “traditional Italian restaurant” in Blois, near the cathedral, and the chef, I presume, is a graduate of the French Pizzaïolo School. It appears to be called Prodotti Freschi which means fresh products, a strange name for a restaurant. I haven’t tried it yet. Voici un restaurant traditionnel italien à Blois, à côté de …

Second Chance – Deuxième Chance

Since no one guessed who yesterday’s hero is, I’m giving you a second chance! I see I might have to pay a visit to the inside of Comic House to see who they are :). Puisque personne n’a deviné le héro d’hier je vous donne une deuxième chance ! Je pense que je serai peut-être …

Who's the Comic Hero? Qui est le héro de BD ?

I don’t have much of a comic culture so I can’t identify the hero in the painting on the outside of the Maison de la BD (Comic House) in Blois. Can you? Comme je n’ai pas une très bonne culture de BD je ne sais pas qui est le héro dans ce tableau à l’extérieur …