The Boat’s Back – La gabarre est de retour

The weather was stunning today – an unbelievable 25 degrees (that’s 77 in Fahrenheit) so we cycled along the Loire to Cour-sur-Loire. On the way we saw our favourite flat-bottomed boat, Le Kairos, that takes us across the river in summer. Il a fait un temps splendide aujourd’hui – un incroyable 25 degrés- alors nous …

Royal Magnolia – Magnolia royale

This is a view of Blois Royal Castle that I love at any time but the magnolia makes it even more perfect. As I was driving and there wasn’t much traffic I was able to stop, wind down the window and take a photo! That’s why I love my iPhone. J’aime toujours cette vue du …

Spring Ducks – Canards au printemps

When we were in lockdown last year (nearly the one-year anniversary), we went for our one-hour walk every day. Now that the only real restriction on movement is a 6 pm curfew, we are not nearly as assiduous about exercise. Yesterday we spent most of the afternoon running around building material suppliers choosing paving stones …

A Mediaeval Gallery – Une galérie médiévale

This house at no 1 rue du Puits Châtel in Blois dates back to the Middle Ages (vaulted cellars from the end of the 13th century). It was remodeled in the 16th century, and in the 17th century it was owned by Hercules de Meules, a local bourgeois.In the courtyard can be seen a superb …

A Curious Queue – Une queue curieuse

When we went to the market yesterday I was surprised to see this queue of about 50 people. The second photo shows what it was for. I guess the figures will show the results tomorrow or Tuesday. Lorsqu’on est allé au marché hier j’étais surprise de voir cette queue d’une cinquantaine de personnes. La deuxième …

Cranes Overhead – Grues au dessus de la tête

We actually heard them before we saw them. I was wearing my rubber gardening gloves and had trouble pulling them off in time to take a photo with my iPhone. A sure sign of spring! Nous les avons entendues avant de les voir. Je portais des gants de jardinage et je n’avais du mal à …

The Deserted Market – Le marché désert

The market in Blois has remained busy despite Covid but today’s temperature of 5 degrees below zero left a lot of empty spaces. Regrettably the oysters were frozen and our regular organic market gardener wasn’t there. The vendor we bought our vegetables from had left his lettuces in his truck and fetched them on demand. …