I noticed this window of a local restaurant today on Place Louis XII in Blois proposing Loire Valley wines. I thought the blue very cheerful on a dull day. J’ai remarqué aujourd’hui cette devanture de restaurant local Place Louis XII à Blois qui propose des vins du coin. Je trouve ce bleu bien gai un jour aussi maussade.
Category Archives: Blois
Half-timbering – Colombages
This little turret with its half-timbering is taken from an unsuspected garden in the historical quartier of Puits Chatel in Blois. Cette petite tourelle avec ses colombages est prise depuis un jardin insoupçonné dans le quartier historique de Puits Chatel à Blois.
Chapeau de gendarme
Yesterday’s photo worked – the sun came out today and I went for a walk. This is another blue, much darker this time. The shape of the gate is called chapeau de gendarme in French with means a gendarme’s hat but not the modern képi. The shape refers to Napoleon Bonaparte’s gendarmes as you can …
Blue Doors and Windows – Fenêtres et portes bleues
As we haven’t had any sun for several days now, I thought these blue doors and windows might replace the blue sky. Comme nous n’avons pas vu de soleil depuis plusieurs jours, j’ai pensé que ces portes et fenêtres bleues pourraient remplacer le ciel bleu.
Bathed in Gold – Baigné par la lumière dorée
Our outiings at the moment are not very exciting – tonight we went to buy cable conduits and rebars. It was very eerie and golden among the sand bags though. Nos sorties en ce moment ne sont guère intéressants : ce soir nous sommes allés acheter des gaines électriques et des fers à béton. L’ambiance …
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CDP Theme Day – Photo of the Year 2016
Today is City Daily Photo Theme Day when daily photo bloggers across the globe post on the same theme. On 1st January, the theme is always “Photo of the Year”. I have three. The first is my readers’ choice, a coypu swimming across the Loire, and also illustrates the river which is the leitmotif of Loire Daily Photo …
Looking Up – Regard vers le haut
This photo is taken in the old quarter of Blois near the cathedral. I learnt today that there is a town under the town and that there are cellars in which you can see old shop fronts. I’d love to see one! Cette photo est prise dans le vieux quartier de Blois près de la …
The Police Hotel – L'hôtel de police
As you can see, we had a spectacular blue sky today. Fortunately I had to go into Blois on an errand so was able to take a few photos. This one is a reminder of one of my brothers when he was visiting France with his young son many long years ago. They had been driving …
Merry Christmas – Joyeux noël
I always think this shop has the prettiest Christmas decorations in Blois. The fact that it is green probably helps. Happy Christmas to all! Je trouve que ce magasin est toujours le mieux décoré à Blois. Le fait qu’il soit vert aide sans doute. Joyeux noël à tous !
Midday Sun on the Loire – Soleil de midi sur la Loire
It was very cold at the market this morning even under the midday sun. I felt sorry for the vendors. Il faisait très froid au marché ce matin à Blois même sous le soleil de midi. Je plaignais les vendeurs.