We don’t know how old this vaulted cellar is in the Puits Chatel neighbourhood of Blois but it certainly looks mediaeval. Nous ne savons pas de quelle époque date cette cave voûtée au quartier de Puits Chatel à Blois mais on dirait qu’elle est médiévale.
Category Archives: Blois
Back in Blois – De retour à Blois
Although we enjoyed seeing our friends in Paris and discovering a new area, we are very happy to be back home to our beloved Blois and Loire, especially when the sun is shining! Nous étions contents de retrouver nos amis à Paris et de découvrir un nouveau quartier mais nous sommes très contents de revenir à notre Blois et …
Hôtel de Vareilles
The 15th century Hôtel de Vareilles is a mainly 16th century listed building in the historial rue Puits Chatel in Blois. L’hôtel de Vareilles principalement construit au 16ème siècle est un monument historique dans le vieux quartier de Puis Chatel à Blois.
Sun on the Window – Soleil sur la fenêtre
2222 These two windows with their sculpted surrounds are above the steps leading up to the cathedral in Blois. This is the historical area of Puits Chatel which fortunately was not bombed during the Second World War. Ces deux fenêtres sculptées se trouvent au-dessus des degrés qui mènent à la cathédrale de Blois. C’est le …
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A Bench on the Loire – Un banc sur la Loire
Taken as i was walking along the Loire from the Laumer parking lot into the historical centre of Blois. I think our cycling might be over until spring. Prise lorsque je marchais le long de la Loire entre le parking Laumer et le centre historique de Blois. Je doute qu’on refasse du vélo avant le …
Continue reading “A Bench on the Loire – Un banc sur la Loire”
Cathedral Tower – Tour de cathédrale
This photo is taken from one of the delightful hidden squares in Blois. In summer, there are at least three open-air restaurants. Cette photo est prise depuis l’une des jolies places cachées de Blois. En été, il y a au moins trois terrasses de restaurant.
Back to the Market – Retour au marché
After our trip to New York and Boston, we were delghted to be back at our fresh produce market in Blois today, starting with our favourite organic stand, La Ferme de la Touche. Jean Michel is in deep discussion with Christelle about soil quality! In the foreground is a custard marrow which I initially thought …
The Blown-Up Bridge – Le pont sauté
This is what remains of the railway bridge over the Loire blown up by the allied air forces on 11 June 1944 during the second world war. The arch on the left is the last one remaining on the south bank. Voici ce qui reste du pont de chemin de fer sur la Loire bombardée par les …
Back Home – De retour à la maison
After the excitement of New York and Boston, we are back home, appreciating the peace and tranquillity of our home in Blois. Après toute l’excitation de New York et Boston, nous sommes de retour chez nous, où nous apprécions la paix et la tranquillité de notre maison à Blois.
CDP Theme Day – Library
I had to say that I was somewhat dismayed when I saw the theme for this month’s City Daily Photo because the first time I saw the public library in Blois, I was very disappointed. It was a cold grey day and the very severe modern building constructed in 1997 seemed out of place next to the …