The New Loire Observatory – Le nouvel observatoire Loire

On Saturday when we were cycling from Blois to Cour-sur-Loire, we discovered a new riverside observatory to promote understanding and interest n the Loire particularly on the part of children. The LPO41 biodiversity group was also present. Inauguration 4 and 5 June at the Parc des Mées. Samedi lorsque nous faisions de vélo entre Blois …

Spires of Blois – Flèches de Blois

I’ve posted photos of Saint Nicolas several times before, but this is a new take where you can see the flying buttresses and the outbuildings of Blois Castle to the right with Tour du Foix tower. J’ai déjà publié des photos de l’église Saint Nicolas mais ici on a une nouvelle vue avec les arcs-boutants et les …

The Little Mullion Window – La petite fenêtre à meneaux

This cute little window is in the old part of Vienne, the neighbourhood of Blois that is on the opposite site of the Loire River from the castle. Cette jolie petite fenêtre est dans la vieille partie de Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côte de la Loire en face du …

Home to Spring – De retour au printemps

We’re back in France after 6 weeks in Australia and India and it’s spring – although the temperatures in Blois are still below 5 at night and only 11 or 12° during the day. Nous voilà de retour en France après 6 semaines en Australie et en Inde et c’est le printemps même si la …

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Where I belong – Chez moi

Despite the fact that I am currently visiting Australia, which I left in 1975, the place where I belong is and will remain Closerie Falaiseau, our Renaissance home in Blois, built in 1584. The Loire Valley, with its many châteaux, untamed river and many bike paths, is home forever more. For other entries in this …

Local Lambs – Agneaux du coin

I was so busy packing yesterday that I didn’t have time to post. I thought these sheep and lambs would be a good transition between the Loire Valley and our 6-week holiday in Australia and India. From now on, I’ll be publishing postcards of our travels. This photo was taken just next to Blois. J’étais tellement occupée …