Opposing Jack – Faisant face à Jack

The angel on the opposite Jack in yesterday’s photo is Martine Tissier de Mallerais, who became curator of Blois Castle in 1967 at the age of 27, a post at which she excelled up until1991 when she succumbed to Jack Lang’s determination to change the main cultural officers after his election in 1989. Finding themselves opposite each …

Jack the Angel – L'angelot Jack

  You may know that sculptors of public and religious buildings often used local dignitaries as models for faces, sometimes rather humoristically. Anyone familiar with Blois will recognise Jack Lang in the above cul-de-lampe on the Louis XII façade of Blois castle. The rest of the body, however, has not been changed. Jack Lang was minister of culture from …

Higgledy-Piggledy Niches & Windows – Méli-mélo de fenêtres & niches

The higgledy-piggledy way in which the windows and niches have been added in the old quarter of Blois suggests mediaeval times when there was no town planning. The window second from the left is surprisingly detailed. The two niches are much more rustic. La façon peu orthodoxe dont les fenêtres et niches sur une place …

The Hidden Corner – Le coin caché

We came across this little courtyard when walking in the old part of Blois. The fairy lights belong to a restaurant to the right of the photo so we’ll be back in the summer to try it out! Nous sommes tombés sur cette petite cour en nous promenant dans le vieux Blois. La guirlande appartient …

Vibrant Viburnum – Laurier tin en beauté

When we drastically cut back our viburnum this summer at Closerie Falaiseau, we were a little worried about the result as they hadn’t flowered much the winter before but as you can see, there was no need for concern. Lorsque nous avons sévèrement taillé nos lauriers tin cet été à Closerie Falaiseau, nous n’étions pas très surs du résultat car …

The Renaissance Door Opposite – La porte renaissance en face

Do you remember yesterday’s Renaissance door? Well, this one pales in comparison. A little facelift would show the sculpted losanges decorated with rosettes and coats of arms and the diamond studding on the door to greater advantage, not to mention the pseudo-ionic capitals on the stone pilasters of each side. Est-ce que vous vous rappelez …

A Renaissance Door – Une porte renaissance

The Latin inscription on the Renaissance door of Hôtel de Morvilliers at n° 1 rue Pierre de Blois, originally built in the 13th century, “USU VETERA NOVA”, means “The new becomes old with use”. Now what do you think they are trying to say? L’inscription en latin sur la porte renaissance de l’hôtel de Morvilliers, demeure médiévale du 13ème siècle, …

The Gilder – La Doreuse de Blois

I think it’s wonderful that a gilder i.e. someone whose occupation is to overlay objects with gold, silver and copper, still exists in Blois today. Délia Louis, who opened her workshop on Rue Beauvoir over ten years ago, has both private and institutional clients. Her main work involves frames for paintings and mirrors.. Je trouve merveilleux …

Art Nouveau Windows – Fenêtre art nouveau ?

These two windows are astonishly on the first place of the bishop’s house I mentioned a couple of days ago. They look like art nouveau but there appear to be crosses in the upper panes. Ces deux fenêtres se trouvent, de façon inattendue, au premier étage de l’évêché dont j’ai parlé il y a deux ou …