A tribute to Marion and Anna – En hommage à Marion et Anna

I was devasted to learn today that Mr and Mrs Pétard, who have a butcher shop in Chailles, the town across the river from us in Blois, lost both of their daughters, Marion and Anna, aged 30 and 24, in the killings in Paris on Friday 13th November. While I stood in silence in front of the …

A Sad Day for France – Une journée triste pour la France

We no longer live in Paris but still have many connections; The killings today took place in the neighbourhood where my daughter used to live. At the market this morning, the lady on the vegetable stalls answered her cell phone while serving me at about 11 am. She apologised, saying “Excuse-moi, but it was my …

CDP Theme Day – Ephemeral

The best light is often at the end of the day in summer, particularly over the Loire. This is my entry in the City Daily Photo Theme Day of “ephemeral”. For other entries, click here. La lumière est souvent meilleure en fin de journée en été surtout sur la Loire. Voici ma contribution au thème …

Blois Reflections – Réflexions de Blois

We thought we had put our bikes away until next spring, but today was one of those perfect autumn days – clear blue sky and 20°C so we headed for the closest bike path. The light was perfect. Nous pensions avoir rangé nos vélos jusqu’au printemps mais aujourd’hui c’était une journée parfaite d’automne : ciel …

French Coffee Shop

I was surprised to see a café in Blois called “French Coffee Shop”. Strange as it may seem, it’s actually a French franchise, which started in 2009 and has over 45 shops based on the American “coffee shop” concept. Blois is one of the latest additions. J’étais surprise de voir un café à Blois qui s’appelle “French …

Anyone for duck? – Du canard peut-être ?

I thought Le Gabriel, opposite Gabriel Bridge in Blois, looked very inviting as we drove past recently (Parmentier de canard = shepherd’s pie made with duck). J’ai trouvé que Le Gabriel en face du pont du même nom à Blois, avait l’air très accueillant lorsque nous sommes passé devant récemment. 

Autumn from my window – L'autonne depuis ma fenêtre

We’re home from our travels and autumn is everywhere. This is the view from my office window at Closerie Falaiseau in Blois. Nous sommes de retour de vacances et l’automne nous entoure. Voici la vue de la fenêtre de mon bureau à Closerie Falaiseau. à Blois

The stairs up to the château – L'escalier qui mène au château

There are several sets of steps leading up to Blois castle. I love the side view of the brick Gothic façade of the Louis XII wing.built at the beginning of the 16th century. This will be the last of my photos of the Loire Valley for the next month. Instead I’ll be posting “postcards” of …

Half-timbered houses in Vienne – Maisons à colombages à Vienne

The street parallel to the Loire in Blois on the Vienne side (opposite to old town) has just been renovated. The half-timbered houses are now much more visible. On vient de refaire la rue parallèle à la Loire à Blois, du côté Vienne (en face de la vieille ville). Les maison en colombages sont bien …