Yesterday, it was 30°C and today 20°C but the light late afternoon was fantastic.This photo is taken from Port de La Creusille in Blois. Hier il faisiat 30°C, aujourd’hui 20°C mais la lumière en fin d’après-midi était superbe. Cette photo est prise depuis Port de la Creusille à Blois.
Category Archives: Blois
CDP Theme Day – Curiosity
I have to say that this month’s City Daily Photo theme did not inspire me. It’s hard to say what can be considered a cusiosity. In the end, I decided to post this photo that I already published some time ago. I’m not sure what these rows of corn cobs represent but they are rather …
Mussels at the Market – Moules au marché
In winter, we buy coquilles saint jacques (scallops) from this Dieppe fish monger. In the summer, we buy mussels instead. En hiver nous achetons des coquilles saint jacques de ce vendeur dieppois. L’été nous y achetons des moules.
Paddle Boat on the Loire – Bateau à aubes sur la Loire
Not sure what this little paddle boat is doing on the Loire in Blois … Je ne suis pas sûre ce que fait ce petit bateau à aubes sur la Loire à Blois …
Boats on the Loire – Bateaux sur la Loire
These traditional flat-bottom boats certainly lend a picturesque note to Blois seen from the bike route on the banks of the Loire. Ces gabarres traditionnels sur la Loire à Blois vues de la piste cyclable contribuent à son côté pittoresque.
Ferme de la Touche
I don’t know why we didn’t discover the organic vegetable vendor at the Louis XII market in Blois earlier but we’re now regular buyers. Je ne sais pas pourquoi nous n’avons pas découvert ce vendeur de légumes bio au marché Louis XII à Blois plus tôt mais nous sommes désormais des clients assidus.
Tour of Les Grouets – Visite des Grouëts
You may remember a photo in June of four young explorers who were preparing a visit of our neighbourhood in Blois, Les Grouets. On Friday, I heard a lot of noise outside the gate so went to see what was going on. About twenty people were touring Les Grouets, so I invited them in so that they could …
In front of the castle – Devant le château
Not a bike this time, but a charabanc (thank you Susan) which I know I’ve already posted before but it looked just perfect in front of Blois Royal Castle today – and is driven by a woman as well. Pas de vélo cette fois-ci mais une voiture à cheval que j’ai déjà publiée sur ce …
Continue reading “In front of the castle – Devant le château”
The Postman's Bike – Le vélo du facteur
Another bike – the postman’s this time – and see the little sign that says “Accueil vélo”? It’s because it’s a B&B that is specially geared towards travelling cyclists. I was taking a photo of the bike with the sign when the postman came out of the building.. Encore un vélo – celui du facteur …
Happy Holidays! – Bonnes vacances !
I was amused to see this display in one corner of the bank today, advertising Visa. The French loves their holidays – most people have four weeks in summer and one week in winter. J’étais amusée de voir ce coin pub Visa à la banque aujourd’hui. On connaît bien l’importance des vacances chez les Français.