I love it when things are happening at the market. When we set out it was raining slightly but by the time we got there the sky had clearned. This band was supporting blood donations. J’adore lorsqu’il y a des événements au marché. Lorsqu’on a quitté la maison il pleuviotait mais en arrivant, le ciel …
Category Archives: Blois
Everyone at the ready – Tout le monde sur le pont
Today, we had lunch for the second time at Brasserie 174 run by tt the local catering school in Blois. An excellent experience particularly when the day’s menu with starter, main course and dessert is only €9.50. Open from midday to 1.30 pm Monday to Friday (closed during school holidays). Reservation at 0 55 51 …
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All Saints Day in Blois Forest – Jour de Toussaint en forêt de Blois
This lovely forest photo was taken on All Saints Day by my friend and neighbour in Les Grouets, Paul Courtet. C’est mon ami et voisin aux Grouets, Paul Courtet, qui a pris cette belle photo de forêt le jour de la Toussaint.