I wouldn’t buy such pale green spinach myself but I admired the way Junior was helping Mum at the market. Personnellement je n’achèterais pas des épinards aussi pâles mais j’ai admiré la façon dont le petit gamin aidait sa mère au marché.
Category Archives: Blois
Lockdown #2 Day 9 – Reconfinement Jour 9
The market was very busy today. I really liked the baker’s plastic glove in the second photo. He would just slip his right hand in, serve the bread or pastry, then put it back in place before handling the change. Il y avait beaucoup de monde au marché aujourd’hui. J’ai bien aimé le gant en …
Lockdown #2 Day 2 – Reconfinement Jour 2
Judging from the long queue at the market today, we are not the only ones pleased to be able to buy fresh organic fruit and vegetables directly from the producers! The markets were closed during the spring lockdown after one week but very few people were wearing masks at the time. Étant donnée la longue …
Fancy Necks – Cous insolites
This is some sort of squash at our Saturday market in Blois but I haven’t seen it before. C’est un espèce de courge au marché de Blois mais c’est la première fois que je la vois.
Sunset over Blois – Coucher de soleil sur Blois
I came out of my annual condominium meeting in Blois today for my holiday rental Châtel Rose just in time to see the sun starting to set over Gabriel Bridge. Je suis sortie de l’assemblée générale de la copropriété de mon studio de location de vacances Châtel Rose à Blois juste à temps pour voir …
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Royal Vegetables – Légumes royaux
I’ve never noticed any vegetable gardens at Chateau de Chambord, but the property is certainly big enough to have a few hidden away! I was even more surprised to see their produce for sale at our local Intermarché supermarket in Blois. Je n’ai jamais remarqué de jardins potagers au château de Chambord mais la propriété …
Summer’s Over – L’été est fini
I learnt to my surprise today from my knowledgeable friend Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel, that helianthus is from the same family as sunroot or Jerusalem artichoke. I only replanted these in spring and was surprised to see how vigorous they are. J’étais surprise d’apprendre aujourd’hui, de la part de mon amie savante Susan …
Pointed Roofs – Toits pointus
After a very cold and rainy Sunday with a repeat performance today, the sun suddenly came out around 4 pm so I took a long neighbourhood walk. Après un dimanche froid et très pluvieux avec la même chose aujourd’hui, le soleil est sorti soudainement vers 16 h. J’en ai profité pour faire une longue promenade …
Fireside Scrabble – Scrabble au coin du feu
After an extraordinarily warm September, we are moving into October with lower temperatures than usual and rain every day. Time for Scrabble by the fire. Après un moins de septembre extraordinairement doux, nous approchons le mois d’octobre avec des températures plutôt basses pour la saison et de la pluie tous les jours. C’est le temps …
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Masks at the Market – Masques au marché
As the number of people testing positive for Covid and in intensive care rises in France, wearing masks that cover both mouth and nose, social distancing and frequent hand-washing are increasingly important. Sadly, few people seem to realise that all three are needed. Avec l’augmentation du taux de tests positifs au coronavirus et de patients …