The Incipient Rose Wall – Le mur aux roses qui commence

Four years ago, I posted the photo below, showing a wall of roses at château de Cheverny and said I was working on having one myself. Four years later, we’ve planted the rose bushes, bought at the plant fair at Cheverny yesterday. I can’t wait to see the roses in June although I realise it won’t be quite as …

Chambord at the end of the path – Chambord au bout du chemin

Château de Chambord is always spectacular. I was delighted that we drove past while the sun was out. The reddish bits on the trees are young shoots. Below are two other angles. Le château de Chambord est toujours spectaculaire. J’étais ravie de voir le soleil lorsqu’on est passé en voiture. Les bouts rouges sur les …

A Royal Door – Une porte royale

–Considering that François Ier , the owner and perhaps the design of Château de Chambord was born in 1494 and died in 1547, this door with his emblem, the salamander, must be about 500 years old. Etant donné que François 1er, le propriétaire et peut-être le concepteur du château de Chambord est né en 1494 et mort en 1547, …

Cycling Through Autumn Leaves – En vélo parmi les feuilles d'automne

We made the most of the Indian summer again today and spent the afternoon cycling. This photo is taken on the bike path heading towards Cheverny. There is no photo of Cheverny castle because the gate has very fine mesh that prevents you taken photos from the outside, even with an iPhone. You can click …

CDP Theme Day – Photographing the Photographer

Amboise Castle is so photogenic that it isn’t hard to photograph the photographer. The photographer in this shot, though, seems to be aiming at something enitrely different! For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo theme, click here. Le château d’Amboise est tellement photogénique que ce n’est pas bien difficile de photographier le photographe. …

To the Forest Beyond – Fenêtre sur la forêt

I took this photo on Sunday from the château in Le Grand Pressigny in south Touraine. What a splendid view! And it was an easy ride up with our power bikes :). J’ai pris cette photo dimanche depuis le château au Grand Pressigny en Touraine du sud. Quelle vue magnifique ! En plus, c’est facile avec …