The Greenhouse – La serre

Yesterday we discovered a greenhouse at Chaumont we had never seen before. I sat in the chair for a while and just soaked in the peaceful atmosphere. Hier nous avons découvert une serre à Chaumont que nous n’avions jamais vue. Je me suis assise pendant un petit moment pour absorber l’atmosphère paisible.

Château de l’Islette

And the winner is Kees from The Netherlands followed by Timothy from Australia! This little-known château opened to the public in 2010 is just down the road from Azay-le-Rideau, one of my favourites. It’s construction was completed in 1530. Camille Claudel and Rodin stayed there several times around 1890 and there are many letters and …

Gone to Seed – Montée en graines

I try to eat my lettuces before they reach such heights but I don’t have as many. Now that we go slug hunting twice a day, the population has diminished considerably and even my dahlias, which I dug up and repotted after they were totally stripped of their leaves, are reviving. J’essaie de manger mes …

Under the Vines – Sous Les vignes

Château de Villandry is famous for its gardens, the interior of the castle being of little interest. This photo is taken from the shady terrace along one side. Le château de Villandry est connu pour ses jardins, le château ayant peu d’intérêt aujourd’hui . Cette photo est prise de la terrasse ombragée en face.