It’s our third year at the wine fair at Chateau de Villesavin run by the local Kiwanis Club. With about 30 wine growers from throughout France there is a good selection and when you’ve finished one of these happy Kiwanis takes his trolley around the room to pick up your purchases (we had 8 x …
Category Archives: Châteaux de la Loire
The Painted Ceiling – Plafond peint
This beautiful painted ceiling is in Chateau de Montpoupon, one of the lesser known castles in the Loire Valley but well worth a visit. Ce beau plafond peint se trouve au château de Montpoupon, moins connu que d’autres châteaux de la Loire mais qui mérite bien le détour.
Chateau d’Amboise in September
A Flower Arrangement at Chenonceau – Un bouquet de fleurs à Chenonceau
Now that we have our yearly pass we can pop in to Chenonceau whenever we like! This was my favourite flower arrangement this time. All the flowers are grown at the chateau. The pass costs 50 euros for a couple. Maintenant que nous avons un pass annuel pour Chenonceau nous pouvons faire toutes les visites …
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Chateau de Troussay
We have cycled past Chateau de Troussay many times but never visited it until yesterday. It has the most eclectic interior imaginable. If I were the owners I’d remove half the contents especially all the things that are broken and only leave objects worthy of interest. At 7.50 euros per person, it is not worth …
Bottoms Up! – Sens dessus sens dessous
This is the first time I’ve been under a hot air balloon up close! We were at Chateau de Chaumont. C’est la première fois que je me trouve sous une montgolfière juste au dessus de ma tête! Nous étions à Chaumont.
Chambord from Near and Far – Chambord de près et de loin
We cycled to Chambord and back yesterday (62 K in the blazing heat – 32 degrees) but it was worth it! We had planned to come back on the shady side of the Loire mais we forgot to check the timetable for the little ferry that takes us and our bikes across the river. We had …
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Balloon Triplets – Triplets Montgolfière
I took this photo from inside the car as we were driving past Chaumont Castle yesterday. J’ai pris cette photo depuis l’habitacle de la voiture hier au moment où on a croisé le château de Chaumont.
Capital Faces – Visage de chapiteaux
These are just some of the faces on the capitals lining the horse ramp in Amboise Castle. Any suggestions for naming them? Voici quelques-uns des visages sur les chapiteaux qui longent la rampe à cheval au château d’Amboise. Avez-vous des suggestions pour leur donner un nom ?
Have you seen Leonardo? – avez-vous vu Léonard ?
Today I was walking towards the chapel at Amboise Castle where Leonardo da Vinci spent his last years when these two hove in sight. “Have you seen Leonardo” I asked. “Oh, not this afternoon.” A woman walking past said “Leonardo is dead.” Some people have absolutely no imagination. Cet après-midi je me dirigeais vers la …
Continue reading “Have you seen Leonardo? – avez-vous vu Léonard ?”