The first time we visited Château de Boussay was with our friends Simon and Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel, in their 1953 Citroën Traction Avant called Célestine. This time, we were on our bikes, coming back from a picnic and botanical walk at Chaumussay organised by the exact same friends! The château is surrounded …
Category Archives: Châteaux de la Loire
Snow on Chambord – Neige sur Chambord
We really couldn’t resist a little trip to Chambord this morning. By 11 am, the roads were all cleared and not too slippery despite the -1°C.Nous n’avons pas pu résister à un petit saut à Chambord ce matin. A 11 heures, les routes n’avaient plus de neige et n’étaient pas trop glissantes malgré une température …
Chambord at the end of the path – Chambord au bout du chemin
Château de Chambord is always spectacular. I was delighted that we drove past while the sun was out. The reddish bits on the trees are young shoots. Below are two other angles. Le château de Chambord est toujours spectaculaire. J’étais ravie de voir le soleil lorsqu’on est passé en voiture. Les bouts rouges sur les …
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Château de Chinon
Yesterday we drove our daughter to friends in Chinon and picked up a couple of cases of our favourite chinon wine, La Roche Honneur. After a few disappointingly overcast days, the sun came out at last although the wind was ferocious. I had never see this particular view of Chinon. Hier nous avons accompagné notre …
The Blind Window – La fenêtre aveugle
This pigeon house with its blind window is at Château de Villesavin. I can’t imagine why it would have had a window though. Ce colombier avec sa fenêtre aveugle se trouve au château de Villesavin mais je ne sais pas pourquoi il y avait une fenêtre.
Reflections on Chambord – Reflets de Chambord
This was actually taken a couple of weeks ago but I’ve been tied to the house a bit this week. Cette photo est prise il y a une quinzaine de jours mais je n’ai pas pu sortir beacoup cette semaine.
The Renaissance Star – La Star de la Renaissance
I stole this expression from my friend Susan from Days on the Claise. François I lived from 1494 to 1547 and was crowned in 1515. He is considered to be the most emblematic royal figure of the French Renaissance during which arts and letters were at the forefront. The portrait above and sculpture below as well as the two …
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A Royal Door – Une porte royale
–Considering that François Ier , the owner and perhaps the design of Château de Chambord was born in 1494 and died in 1547, this door with his emblem, the salamander, must be about 500 years old. Etant donné que François 1er, le propriétaire et peut-être le concepteur du château de Chambord est né en 1494 et mort en 1547, …
Wings Everywhere – Ailes partout
Château de Chambord has the most wonderful details. This is up on the rooftops among the chimneys. Le château de Chambord a des détails merveilleux. Celui-ci se trouve sur la terrasse parmi les cheminées.
Cycling Through Autumn Leaves – En vélo parmi les feuilles d'automne
We made the most of the Indian summer again today and spent the afternoon cycling. This photo is taken on the bike path heading towards Cheverny. There is no photo of Cheverny castle because the gate has very fine mesh that prevents you taken photos from the outside, even with an iPhone. You can click …
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