Shades of Grey at Chambord – Camaieu de gris à Chambord

There are four or five restaurants one after the other at Chambord and they now all have the same grey tables and chairs and white parasols to match the slate roofs and white stone façade of the château! Il y a quatre ou cinq restaurants l’un à côté de l’autre à Chambord et désormais ils …

Shadows of Chambord – Ombres de Chambord

I have been promising myself a visit of the rooftops of Chambord on a sunny day for some time. The problem is that in summer, there are too many visitors to take good photos and in the winter, thre isn’t enough sun! The beautiful autumn days we have been experiencing lately turned out to be …

The Lone Swan – Cygne seul

Yesterday we cycled from Tours to Château de Villandry in beautiful sunny autumn weather. There were many rewards! Villandry is famous for its gardens. Hier nous avons fait du vélo entre Tours et Château de Villandry sous un soleil d’automne parfait. Nous étions bien récompensés ! Villandry est célèbre pour ses jardins.


Claudette, a Citroën Traction Avant, only slightly younger than me, is being driven by her owner, Simon, who runs Loire Valley Time Travel. Along with her older sister, Celestine (closer to my vintage), she takes lucky visitors to see the châteaux of the Loire and taste local food and wine with the help of her second …

A Walk at Chenonceau – Une promenade à Chenonceau

We stopped off at Chenonceau on our way back from Nantes today and took our favourite walk along the bike path on the other side of the Cher. As majestic as ever! Nous nous sommes arrêtés à Chenonceau sur le retour de Nantes aujourd’hui faire notre promenade préférée sur la piste cyclable de l’autre côté du …

The stairs up to the château – L'escalier qui mène au château

There are several sets of steps leading up to Blois castle. I love the side view of the brick Gothic façade of the Louis XII wing.built at the beginning of the 16th century. This will be the last of my photos of the Loire Valley for the next month. Instead I’ll be posting “postcards” of …

Montrichard on a Sunny Day – Montrichard un jour de grand soleil

I love the view of Montrichard from the other side of the bridge. This little town of some 3,500 inhabitants,on lthe banks of the Cher, is less than 20 km from Chenonceaux, Amboise, Montpoupon, Valençay and Chaumont. J’aime beaucoup la vue de Montrichard depuis l’autre côté du pont. Cette petite ville d’environ 3 500 personnes au bord du Cher se …