Azay le Rideau in Spring – Azay le Rideau au printemps

Azay-le-Rideau has always been one of my favourite châteaux in the Loire Valley because of it’s stunning location on an island in the Indre River, although it doesn’t have the majesty of Chambord, Chaumont or Chenonceau, It was built by a rich financier in the early 16th century during the reign of François I. Le château …

Charm on the other side – Le charme de l'autre rive

View of Saint Vincent and Saint Radegonde’s (16th century) and Cour-sur-Loire château (15th century) from the south-east bank of the Loire on a beautiful sunny day in early spring. Vue de l’église St Vincent et Ste Radegonde (XVIème), du château (XVème) de Cour-sur-Loire depuis la rive gauche de la Loire par une belle journée ensoleillée de …

Sunny terraces overlooking the Loire – Terrasses au soleil avec vue sur la Loire

Seen from the foot of Foix Tower in the grounds of Blois Castle, these lovely sunny terraces seem to be beckoning to us even though you may notice there aren’t any deck chairs at the beginning of March. Vues depuis le pied de la tour du Foix au château de Blois, ces belles terrasses bien …

Delft tiles in Chaumont – Carreaux de Delft à Chaumont

There are some surprising details in these Delft tiles in Château de Chaumont. The second last row seems to depict a biblical story. Il y a des détails surprenants dans ces carreaux de Delft au château de Chaumont. L’avant dernière rangée semble raconter une histoire biblique.  

Fireplace porcupine in Chaumont – Porc épic de cheminée à Chaumont

Another porcupine symbolising Louis XII, cette time on the painted fireplace mantle in Château de Chaumont. Un autre porc-épic le symbole de Louis XII cette fois sur le manteau d’une cheminée peinte au château de Chaumont.  

The Studiolo – Le studiolo

Known as the Queen’s Cabinet but in reality François I‘s studiolo (study) designed for king when the castle was built. The original sculpted  woodwork with its painted gilt candelebra makes it the only royal cabinet from the Renaissance to have survived in France. Le cabinet dit de la Reine, est en réalité le cabinet ou studiolo (lieu …

Flamboyant brick – Brique flamboyante

Built of brick and stone between 1498 and 1501, the Louis XII wing of Blois Castle is in the Gothic Flamboyant style combining elements of northern influence with ornaments of Italian origin. Construite en brique et pierre entre 1498 et 1501, l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois est marquée par le style gothique flamboyant …

Cheverny through the arbour – Cheverny par la tonnelle

A couple of days ago, I showed the somewhat stark façade of Château de Cheverny on a sunny day in winter. This is the back of the castle, on the same day. I’m told that fifteen thousand bulbs are planted in the gardens each year, so I’m heading back in spring. Il y a deux …

Classical façade of Cheverny – Façade classique de Cheverny

The classical and somewhat stark façade of Cheverny built between 1624 and 1640, taken during a visit in winter on a very sunny day. La façade classique et plutôt austère de Cheverny construit entre 1624 et 1640, photographiée lors d’une visite d’hiver un jour bien ensoleillé.