Château de Cheverny is the “model” for Marlinspike Hall (Moulinsart in French), Captain Haddock’s residence in the Tintin comics, created by the Belgian author and illustrator Hergé. Le château de Cheverny est le modèle dont s’est servi l’auteur et illustrateur belge Hergé pour créer le château de Moulinsart, la résidence du Capitaine Haddock dans la bande dessinée “Tintin”. …
Category Archives: Châteaux de la Loire
Indoor School at Chaumont – Manège à Chaumont
When we first saw the round building in the centre in the 19th century stables at Château de Chaumont, we thought it was a pigeon house, but in fact it’s a small indoor school for poneys made from a converted ceramic furnace. Lorsqu’on a aperçu le bâtiment rond au centre des écuries du 19ème siècle …
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Pigeon House in Chinon – Pigeonnier à Chinon
The beautifully restored pigeon house at Chinon Royal Fortress. It has a special story attached to it but I can’t for the life of me remember what it is! For more pigeon houses in other parts of France, click here. Le pigeonnier à la forteresse royale de Chinon joliment restauré. Il a une histoire particulière mais …
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The White Radiator – Le radiateur blanc
Some of the old cast iron radiators, like this one from Château de Beauregard, are really beautiful. Il y a des radiateurs en fonte anciens qui sont vraiment très beau comme celui du château de Beauregard.
The Open Fireplace – Le foyer ouvert
I always find it amusing to see the remains of a room open to the elements. I’m not sure what this building is at the entrance to the royal fortress of Chinon but it still has its original monumental fireplace. Je trouve amusant de voir les restes d’une pièce ouverte aux intempéries. Je ne sais …
Through the arch to Chinon Castle – De l'arche au château de Chinon
Maybe Joan of Arc passed through this lovely pointed arch on her way up to the royal fortress of Chinon. Jeanne d’Arc est peut-être passée par ce joli arc d’ogive pour gagner la forteresse royale de Chinon.
Putti on the roof at Chambord – Angelots sur le toit à Chambord
The roofs in Chambord are full of wonderful details. Here putti and a Pegasus decorate intricate ornemental urns surmounted by the famous slate incrustations in the local tufa stone that are typical of Chambord. Les toits à Chambord recèlent de détails merveilleux. Ici des angelots et un pégase se trouvent au-dessus de vasques richement décorés …
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Prehistoric antlers – Bois préhistorique
These prehistoric antlers from a cervus megaceros, ancestor of the elk, are at the top of the Grand Staircase in Château de Cheverny. Found in the icy regions of Siberia two centuries ago, the antlers are more than 6000 years old. They were a gift to the collector, Paul, Marquis of Vibraye, in the 19th …
Cherubs in Chambord – Angelots à Chambord
I thought these little cherubs inChambord looked very seasonal. Je trouvais que ces petits angelots arrivaient bien au point en fin d’année.
Painted shutters at Cheverny – Volets peints à Cheverny
These beautiful painted shutters are to be found in the Arms Room in Château de Cheverny. Just 20 km south-east of Blois, the domain has been in the same family for six centuries and open to the public since 1922. The château as it stands today was built between 1624 and 1640 by Count Henri …
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