We bought a yearly pass for Château de Chaumont on 2nd January so are a little frustrated to have lost two months. However during lockdown the management did everything possible to get the garden festival ready to reopen as soon as possible. There is a one-way itinerary and on the whole visitors are respecting it …
Category Archives: Châteaux de la Loire
Chaumont in spring – Chaumont au printemps
Today’s Utopia at Chambord – Une utopie d’aujourd’hui à Chambord
Chambord in February – Chambord en février
Chaumont Water Tower – Château d’Eau à Chaumont
The reservoir (also known as the “water tower”) was built at the time the estate of Chaumont was acquired by Prince Henri-Amédée de Broglie before the arrival of the landscape architect Henri Duchêne. The architect later turned it to good advantage, surrounding it with a copse of trees and bushes. In those days, the water tower’s …
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Storm Clouds Gathering – Un orage qui se forme
Pansies are for thoughts – Pensées d’Orphélie
Chaos is the name of this sculpture by Vincent Barré in the grounds of Chaumont. I did not understand the explanation of what it’s about …. Chaos est le nom de cette sculpture par Vincent Barré dans le parc du Château de Chaumont. Je n’ai pas compris l’approche artistique sur le panneau explicatif…
Sun on Amboise – Soleil sur Amboise
Beyon the pine cones – Au delà les pommes de pin
The castle behind is château de Chaumont whose gardens are a delight all year round, even in the middle of winter. Le château derrière est Chaumont dont les gardens sont merveilleux toute l’année même en plein hiver.