The View before the Fall – La vue avant la chute

There we were happily cycling along when I looked to the right and saw this château on the right we’d never seen before. To take the photo we had to go down a gravel road marked Private. We took it anyway but in my haste I skidded on the gravel as I stopped but didn’t …

Tower Reflection – Réflection de tour

And just when I was complaining about the weather lo and behold the sun came out so we went to visit Chateau de Chenonceau with our yearly pass. Et juste au moment où je me plaignais du temps, ô merveille le soleil est arrivé alors nous sommes allés visiter le château de Chenonceau avec notre …

Chaumont in Winter – Chaumont en hiver

Today we discovered a new walking path on the banks of the Loire opposite Chaumont. It was a crisp six degrees Celsius and very pleasant. Aujourd’hui nous avons découvert un nouveau sentier sur les bords de la Loire en face de Chaumont. Il faisait six degrés et la promenade était très agréable.

Sun on Villesavin – Soleil sur Villesavin

Villesavin Château was built for Jean Le Breton, the finance minister of François I while Chambord was being built. It was nicknamed the worksite hut. Le château de Villesavin fut construit pour Jean le Breton, secrétaire des finances de François Ier lors de la construction de Chambord. On l’a surnommé la cabane de chantier. Le …