This is seriously what it’s called. I don’t know how they dream up these names. C’est vraiment son nom. Je ne sais pas comment on imagine ces noms.
Category Archives: Chaumont
Before I had my own garden, I did not really appreciate asters. Now I do. They bloom at the end of summer and right through autumn and come in many sizes and colors. Chateau de Chaumont has a new aster garden that has just opened to the public. Avant d’avoir mon propre jardin, je n’appréciais …
Late Afternoon – Fin de journée
Château de Chaumont and its gardens never fail to bring me peace and serenity. Le château de Chaumont et ses jardins apportent toujours paix et tranquillité.
Back to the roots – Retour aux racines
This is part of the Garden Festival at Chateau de Chaumont. I’m not sure why the roots are blue though. Il s’agit de l’une des expositions au Festival des jardins au château de Chaumont mais je ne sais pas pourquoi les racines sont bleues.
Dahlia Love – Amour de dahlias
Today we cycled to Château de Chaumont and I couldn’t wait to see the dahlia beds. My favourite is still crème de cassis. My own dahlias, after succumbing to slugs when I replanted them are finally producing some flowers. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés au château de Chaumont en vélo et j’avais hâte de voir les …
Water lilies – Nénuphars
We cycled to Château de Chaumont this morning and I took this photo of my favourite pond. By the time we left at midday, the crowds had started to arrive. The gardens at Chaumont are one of my main sources of inspiration but they don’t seem to have slugs. Our main after-dinner activity at the …
The Bower Bird – L’oiseau jardinier
You may remember a blue garden exhibit at Château de Chaumont inspired by the bower bird’s nest that I posted a few days ago. Chad Addison, an amateur photographer living in Canberra just happens to have a bower bird in his garden. Since retiring he has conducted various workshops as part of a U3A photography …
An Outdoor Treat – Une gourmandise en terrasse
Today we planned to return to the Garden Festival at Château de Chaumont but when we saw the number of cars in the parking lot we decided to go for a walk in the village of Thenay instead. After our walk, We had our first outdoor table experience since October – house-made ice-cream and cider …
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Mimetic Mosaic – Mosaïque mimétique
I really like this garden at the Château de Chaumont Garden Festival but I find the explanation somewhat pretentious. “This garden celebrates the extraordinary artistic perfection of plant fractals.” For those who are not familiar with the term fractal, it means any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part …
Blue Desire – Désir blue
This is one of the entries in the Garden Festival at Chateau de Chaumont and is inspired by the Australian bower bird, a very sleek satiny blue bird known for their unique courtship behaviour, where males build a structure and decorate it with sticks and brightly coloured objects in an attempt to attract a mate. …