Roll-up Flower Beds – Parterres enroulés

At Château de Chaumont the gardeners were busy removing the ready-planted summer garden beds. I had no idea that such a system existed. It was fascinating. Au château de Chaumont les jardiniers étaient en train d’enlever les parterres d’été qu’ils achètent déjà plantés. Je n’avais aucune idée que ce système existait. C’était fascinant.

Autumn Offerings – Offrandes d’automne

We went to Chateau de Chaumont today and almost turned back when we saw the crowded parking lot. I’m glad we didn’t. We don’t know where all the people were – maybe inside the castle – but we were able to walk around and enjoy the beautiful sunny weather. En arrivant au parking bien rempli …

Dharitri : The Garden of Mother Earth – Le jardin de la terre mère

Another Chaumont Garden. In the Hindu religion, Dharitri is one of the names of the goddess Parvati, considered to be the First Supreme Energy. It means Mother Earth. She has the power to give birth to any form of life and nourish it. Encore un jardin à Chaumont. Dans la religion hindoue, Dharitri est l’un …

Souvenir of the Future – Souvenir du Future

We’ve been back to the garden festival at chateau de Chaumont. The idea here is that our planet earth is nothing in comparison with the universe and we need to remain humble before nature. Yes, we’ll. Nous sommes retournés au festival des jardins du château de Chaumont. L’idée ici est que notre planète n’est rien …

Chaumont Church – L’église de Chaumont

We always visit Chateau de Chaumont from the upper parking lot but today I wanted to take the lower entrance. My reward was this view of the church and the Loire! Nous visitons toujours le château de Chaumont à partir du parking en haut. Aujourd’hui j’ai voulu prendre l’entrée en bas et voici ma récompense …