We’ve been watching this pond at Château de Chaumont change with the seasons and the weather. I love the deep blue colour. Masks were made compulsory in the centre of Blois today, more as a precaution than anything else. I think it was a good move. Nous suivons l’évolution de cet étang au château de …
Category Archives: Chaumont
The Big Blue Pot – Le grand pot bleu
It seems that Loire Daily Photo has been hacked. My apologizes for the websites you are seeing when you try to comment. My IT son is working on it and I will let you know when the problem is solved. This container is on the bike route from Candé-sur-Beuvron to Château de Chaumont. Il semble …
Postcard Summer 2020 #14 Ulm
We stopped off for our coffee break at Ulm today on the way to Heilbronn where we are spending the next 4 nights. We’ve been to Ulm twice before (the last time was in 2013) but neither of us remembered this Rathaus. We did remember the quaint fisherman’s quarter but it was a lot more …
Sweeping Cedar – Cèdre extra large
We measured the radius of this cedar in the grounds of Chateau de Chaumont and decided it was about twenty metres. You can see the size of the compared to the three people in the photo. Nous avons mesuré le rayon de ce cèdre dans le parc du château de Chaumont et l’estimons à une …
Green Giants – Géants verts
Every time I walk past these giant leaves in the grounds of Chateau de Chaumont I’m amazed. They look as though they are in the wrong place. After posting every day for three months about Covid19 I need to widen my horizons. Now that the European borders are open we are planning our next cycling …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 2#13 End
Today I felt almost like my usual self. We walked for an hour in the gardens of Chateau de Chaumont and came home and gardened for a while. This evening President Macron announced the end of lockdown for France with European borders open as of tomorrow and all primary and middle schools resuming totally on …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1#20
Since it’s a long weekend we are staying away from tourist attractions. This photo of Château de Chaumont was taken on Friday. There will be no new Covid figures until Tuesday when Stage 2 of lockdown end begins. Puisque c’est le week-end de la Pentecôte nous évitons les lieux touristiques. J’ai pris cette photo du …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1#18
We went back to the garden festival at château de Chaumont by bike today and since it was a Friday there was hardly anyone there which meant we didn’t have to wear our masks very often. Aren’t these water lilies beautiful? There were no new deaths in our area today and only two patients left …
Covid Deconfinement Stage 1#7
We bought a yearly pass for Château de Chaumont on 2nd January so are a little frustrated to have lost two months. However during lockdown the management did everything possible to get the garden festival ready to reopen as soon as possible. There is a one-way itinerary and on the whole visitors are respecting it …