Roasted Marshmallows – Brochette de Chamallows

Our neighbourhood association in Blois, Les Amis des Grouets, holds a mulled wine and chestnut evening every December next to the local church, with roastde marshmallows for the kids. Notre association du quartier à Blois, Les amis des grouets, fait une soirée vin chaud et chataignes en décembre tous les ans à côté de l’église avec …

Three Spires in Vendôme – Trois flèches à Vendôme

These three spires in Vendôme are Saint Martin’s Tower and Trinity Abbey which has a Romanesque bell-tower in addition to its own spire. Ces trois flèches à Vendôme sont celles de la tour Saint Martin et de l’abbaye de la Trinité qui a un clocher roman en plus de sa propre flèche.

Cathédrale Saint Gatien de Tours

More than 3 1/2 centuries were needed to build Saint Gatien Cathedral in Tours (1170 to 1547). It replaced a first cathedral built in the 4th century and a second in the 12th century, both of which were destroyed by fire. Il a fallu plus de trois siècles et demi pour construire la cathédrale Saint-Gatien à …

Postcard from Lisbon – La Fontaine

The Monastery of Saint Vincent Outside the Walls in Lisbon has a magnificent collection of 38 azulejos depicting different fables by La Fontaine. This is one of them. The dog with his master’s dinner round his neck A dog was carrying his master’s dinner and another dog tried to steal it. When more dogs appeared, attraced by …

A Shade above the rest – De l'ombre au-dessus des autres

This very tall tree stands in front of the 17th century church of Saint Vincent de Paul with its lovely classical façade. Ce très grand arbre se dresse devant l’église de Saint Vincent de Paul avec sa belle façade du 17ème siècle.

Saint Martin and the Sword – Saint Martin et l'épée

You may remember the photo of the little church of Saint Martin de Crouy that I published recently. We took the same cycle itinerary again the other day and I recognised it immediately. This time, I took a close-up of the sculptured group on the façade depicting Saint Martin cutting his cloak in two to give to …

The Key to Heaven – La clé du paradis

I have already published a photo of Saint Pierre in Montlivaut. Today, while cycling, we were able to borrow the key from the grocery store opposite to visit the inside. During the internal restoration, 15th century wall paintings were discovered. One panel depicts the Trinity while the other shows Saint Denis’ last mass. J’ai déjà …