Brief Ray of Sunshine – L’eclaircie

Another day of rain but I sowed my eggplant and capsicum seeds indoors and we went to my favourite store – the plant nursery Truffaut – to order more Japanese stepping stones so that we can continue to feed the birds in the back garden without slipping in the slushy clay that was once grass. …

The Vine Cross – Croix feuilles de vigne

The Vine Cross is known in heraldry as a Foliated Cross or erroneously, an Ivy Cross. Curiously, it is not a common Christian symbol. I was not able to find any information on this cross in front of the church at Rilly-sur-Loire (below). La Croix feuilles de vigne n’est pas semble-t-il un symbole chrétien répandu. …

Saint Martin de La Bruère-sur-Loire

We came across this little church on our way home from Le Lude yesterday. Its construction dates from several different periods: the Romanesque nave goes back to the 11th century, the chancel and transept to the 16th century (1530 to 1560). It also has remains of the Carolingian period on the south wall of the …

Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Notre Dame de Bonne Aide

Jean Michel says we have visited this church in Montbazon before but I’m sure I’d remember the four stained glass windows and the wall paintings. Approved by Napoleon in 1850, it is built in the new-Romanesque style. The wall paintings are by a local – Henri Grandin. Jean Michel me dit que nous avons déjà …

Chaumont Church – L’église de Chaumont

We always visit Chateau de Chaumont from the upper parking lot but today I wanted to take the lower entrance. My reward was this view of the church and the Loire! Nous visitons toujours le château de Chaumont à partir du parking en haut. Aujourd’hui j’ai voulu prendre l’entrée en bas et voici ma récompense …

When State Meets Church – Lorsque l’état rencontre l’église

The town hall in the village of Seur looks as though it’s attached to the church from this side but they are actually quite distinct as you can see below. On dirait que la mairie de Seur est contiguë à l’église de ce côté-ci mais on voit dans la deuxième photo qu’elles sont distinctes.

Day #26 Postcard from Germany – Limburg An Der Lahn

Two steep climbs began our cycling route today but fortunately we then followed the Lahn River to Limburg, another delightful German town. We’re staying in a cute little German house which is like a museum. Il a fallu deux grosses montées en vélo pour démarrer la journée mais heureusement nous avons suivi ensuite la rivière …

Day #25 Postcard from Germany – Marburg An Der Lahn

We’re gradually heading home to Blois. Today we drove to Laurenburg, our last 3-night stay in Germany, stopping off at Marburg An Der Lahn on the way, site of the first Gothic church in Germany. We don’t know what the horse connection is. Nous rentrons tout doucement en France. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés à Laurenburg, …