The city of Tours built on the Loire was very badly bombed during the Second World War but it still possesses a few historical buildings such as the gothic Cathedral of Saint Gatien you can see in the distance here. La ville de Tours construite sur la Loire était fortement bombardée pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale …
Category Archives: Churches
The Potted Tree – L'arbre empoté
Now take a good look at that tree on the right. I specifically took the photo to include the church on the left so you can see how big the tree is. I have searched the Internet but can’t find anything about it’s origin. I’ve certainly never seen such a big pot! The church is …
Cathedral Tower – Tour de cathédrale
This photo is taken from one of the delightful hidden squares in Blois. In summer, there are at least three open-air restaurants. Cette photo est prise depuis l’une des jolies places cachées de Blois. En été, il y a au moins trois terrasses de restaurant.
Postcard from Boston – Reflections of Trinity
Trinity Church in Boston, recognized as one of the most significant buildings in America, took shape on marshland in Boston’s Back Bay in the 1870’s. It is the birthplace and archetype of the Richardsonian Romanesque style, characterized by a clay roof, polychromy, rough stone, heavy arches, and a massive tower. I love the reflections in the glass …
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A Tall Bell Tower – Un clocher très haut
My previous photos of Saint Pierre in Montlivault have not been very successful because the bell tower is extremely high. As we rode out of the village the other evening though, we had an excellent view of the 12th century church whose 15th century wall paintings we still haven’t seen. Below is a photo taken …
The Three Rs – Les trois R
A little puzzle today. What are the three Rs in this photo taken in Vernou sur Brenne? Une petite énigme aujourd’hui. Quels sont les Rs dans cette photo prise à Vernou sur Brenne ?
What the Devil! – Au diable
The first time we went to Lavardin, we couldn’t go into the Romanesque church of Saint Genest but this time it was open. It has a spectacular set of murals and two frescos. This panel has a phoenix in the centre (symbol of the resurrection); below is a pelican feeding its babies with its own …
A Church with a Tower – Une église avec une tourelle
The church in Seur on the bike path to Cellettes, is dedicated to Saint Pantéleon. It was built in the 16th century and refurbished in the 19th century. I don’t know when the tower was buillt though. Next time we’ll have to go in because I have since discovered it has a “churchwardens’ bench” which I had …
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A Spiral and a Spire – Un spirale et une flèche
After our picnic on the cycle path along the Loire near Muides last night I wanted to visit the church whose spire you can see in the middle of the photo. .Fortunately it is completely covered in scaffolding so the photo will be for another time. Après notre pique-nique hier soir sur la piste cyclable …
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Postcard from Germany – St Ulrich in Augsburg
The Protestant church of Saint Ulrich in Augsburg is most unusual.. I’ve never seen this type of design or stucco ceiling before. Unfortunately, all the information is in German. It’s a pity about the modern benches. L’église protestante de Saint Ulrich est très originale. Je n’ai jamais vu ce type d’architecture intérieur ni de plafond en …
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