Postcard Summer 2020#19 – the Cuckoo Clock

We discovered an important thing today: the Black Forest, home of the cuckoo clock and the Black Forest cake, is not a cyclist’s paradise unless you have a mountain bike and better knees than we do or don’t mind riding alongside busy roads. Even with an e-bike, cycling uphill for 3.5 k is hard going. …

Day #4 Postcard from Germany – Münster & Burg Hülshoff

Münster means cathedral and this one in the city of Münster certainly deserves its name with its impressive double-nave facade. Inside is an astronomical clock made in 1540. We then cycled to Burg Hülshoff a traditional “water castle” built on two islands and surrounded by a beautiful park. Le mot Münster veut dire cathédrale et …

The Yellow Church Clock – L'horloge d'église jaune

I’m really surprised that this clock on the façade of the 12th century gothic church of Saint Nicolas in Blois has yellow colouring on it in only a restricted area. Je suis très surprise de cette coloration jaune très délimitée sur la façade de l’église gothique de Saint Nicolas à Blois construite au 12ème siècle.

The Astrolab Clock – L'horloge astrolabique

Yesterday, I posted a photo of the clock on the outside of Chartres Cathedral. This one is Inside and was built at least a century earlier. The dial of this so-called astrolabe clock is one metre in diameter and was restored in 2006 while the mechanism, damaged during the French Revolution, was restored a few …