Winter Pruning – Taille d’hiver

We usually prune our roses and wisteria in January but we decided to wait until I got back from Boston. With more than twenty Rose bushes, it’s faster when there are the two of us. The house certainly looks bare. The second photo is a reminder of what it looks like in June. Nous avons …

CDP Theme Day – Winners

I love it when the nasturtiums leave their beds in September and start racing each other across the grass! For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo theme of the month – Winners – click here. J’adore le moment en septembre où les capucines quittent leurs parterres pour faire la course sur la pelouse. …

End of the Roses – La fin des roses

It’s not really the end of their roses – just the end of their peak. Nearly all our roses (and these are just four of them) are repeat-blooming and last until the beginning of winter. From left to right: pink cloud, unknown, orchid smile and the peace rose (Madame A. Meilland). Ce n’est pas vraiment …

Outdoor Cafés are Open – Les terrasses sont ouvertes

The cafés and restaurants in France opened again today after being closed for six months – but with outdoor seating only. Unfortunately in most places the weather was not on their side. We made the most of it by having our morning coffee break in our wood shed using our Turkish platter. Jean Michel is …

And then there was hail – Et puis la grêle est arrivée

Our unseasonable weather continues. Our gardening was brought to a halt by the rain and as soon as we got inside it started hailing. Fortunately it was only very small and didn’t last long. All my baby plants seem to have survived. Notre météo étrange continue. La pluie a mis fin à notre jardinage et …

Tall & Purple – Grand & Violet

This iris is growing in the little wood at the back of our property. It’s exceptionally tall, no doubt because it needs to compete with all the trees around it. Today is the last of the ice saints and it’s been raining most of the day. Rain is sadly predicted for the next 8 days …

Gardening In Comfort – Jardiner debout

This is the first year I’ve had raised beds in the vegetable garden and I love them! So comfortable to be able to plant standing up. So far no slugs either. The neighbours on the left have planted laurel hedges which will steal a lot of the light and sun on the beds we have …

Barn Renovation Stage 2 – Renovation de la grange 2ème étape

Now that the rotten beams have been safely encased in steel and the beams supporting the upper floor have been cleaned and treated, the next step is to make a new floor with OSB structural panels before redoing the roof. An efficient electric hoist is needed, i.e. one that is the right speed for someone …

Yellow & Pink – Jaune & Rose

I love the way new spring flowers replace the ones before as time goes by. The daffodils in the background are starting to decline as the Japonica and forsythia come into full bloom. J’aime que de nouvelles fleurs de printemps remplacent celles d’avant au fur et à mesure que les jours passent. Les jonquilles à …