Weighed down with rain – Chargé de pluie

We haven’t had much rain this spring, but it’s been rather wet the last few days, to the relief of the cereal farmers. Our weigela was completely soaked this morning! Nous n’avons pas eu beaucoup de pluie au printemps cette année mais depuis quelques jours on se rattrape au grand soulagement des céréaliers. Notre weigela …

Coal Tits & Daffodils – Mésanges charbonnières et jonquilles

I can’t keep away from this window at the moment. I wish it was my office window and not the kitchen! Je n’arrive pas à m’éloigner de cette fenêtre en ce moment. J’aimerais qu’elle soit celle de mon bureau et non pas la cuisine !

Yellow & White – Jaune et blanc

Not quite so grey today, but just look at those lovely daffodils and snowdrops. Thank you to Monique and Jacky, the previous owners of our lovely 400-year-old house, for planting this wonderful carpet. Moins de gris aujourd’hui mais regardez donc ces beaux jonquilles et perce-neiges. Un grand merci à Monique et Jacky, les anciens propriétaires de …

First Narcisses – Premières narcisses

There they are – near the tree at the top of the steps. There are also daffodils but they are still a bit small. Now we know that spring is really coming! Les voilà : à côté de l’arbre en haut des marches. Il y a également des jonquilles mais elles n’ont pas encore bien …

Our Winter Jasmin – Notre jasmin d'hiver

These photos of our winter jasmin were taken three years apart. The top one is the more recent. the plant had got so unmanageable, no doubt due to our lack of pruning skills, that we cut it right back two years ago. Originally from China, it comes into bloom in January, adding a welcome spot of …

CDP Theme Day – Loving Life

I come from North Queensland in Australia and only knew about snowdrops from books until I went to live in France. When they appear in the little wood behind our 400-year old house in Blois, it’s like a rebirth after the winter and one of the reasons why I love my life in France! The photos below …