Late Snowdrops – Perce-neiges tardifs

  The snow-drops are very late this year. Last year, they appeared in December (which was actually 2015). Les perce-neiges sont très tardis cette année. .L’année dernières ils sont sortis en décembre (donc en 2015). Pour ceux qui pensent que je me suis trompé avec l’orthographe du pluriel de perce-neige, j’ai utilisé l’orthographe rectifié de …

Reflections of Chambord – Reflets de Chambord

Admittedly, I did not take this photo today, but two days ago. Since then we have not seen even a tiny bit of sun or blue sky. Today’s photo is below. The temmperature did not go above zero. Je dois admettre que je n’ai pas pris cette photo aujourd’hui, mais il y a deux jours. …

What a mess! – Quel chantier !

The trench digging machine has returned to the rental firm and we’re left with a big mess. I wonder how long it will take for it to return to normal? La trancheuse est repartie tournée à la maison de location et il ne reste plus que le gros chantier. Je me demande combien de temps il …

In the Trenches – Dans les tranchées

We’ve hired a trench-digging machine for two days so that Jean Michel can install an automatic watering system. The only problem is the very clayey soil and large number of rocks. When I went to buy some more petrol in jerrycans this morning for the little gas-guzzler, I learnt that starting today until after New Year, …

Misty Morning – Matin dans la brume

I’ve called this Misty Morning because that’s when I took the photo but it’s pretty well misty-all-the-time at the moment. You may rememberr this same spot in the summer in the photo below. Astonishingly enough, there are buds on the lilac bush on the left of the first photo. J’ai appelé cette photo “Matin dans …

Pansies after the Storm – Pensées après la tempête

These are my newly-planted pansies after last night’s rainstorm, which was accompanied by a lot of wind. The second photos was taken a few days before. Voici mes pensées nouvellement plantées après la grosse tempête d’hier soir. La deuxième photo était prise quelques jours auparavant.

The Fig Tree – Le figuier

The leaves are falling faster than the figs this year. If we pick them when they are plump and come off the tree fairly easily, they will continue to ripen in the house. This is a green fig variety that nevers gets any darker so it’s not always easy to know when they are ready …