My Red Cross Daffodils – Mes jonquilles de la Croix rouge

When we lived in Paris, I used to buy daffodils from a Red Cross stand on Place du Palais Royal every year in spring. After we bought Closerie Falaiseau, I started replanting them in the garden here. This is the result. Lorsque nous habitions à Paris,tous les ans au printemps j’achetais des jonquilles à un stand de …

The Quarry Office – Le bureau de la carrière

Jean MIchel is going to increase the size of a window at the back of our house so needs a stone lintel. Our other window surrounds are made of Pontijou stone so today we went to the quarry in Pontijou to found out more about prices. The office building is a showroom in itself with different …

Crepes and Vouvray Anyone? Qui veut des crêpes et du vouvray?

A little late for chandeleur admittedly, but this was the first opportunity after the flu to get together with our neighbours for crêpes and vouvray, the local natural sparkling wine. Chandeleur or, more popularly, “la fête des crèpes” is held on 2nd February, 40 days after Christmas. One explanation is that it celebrates the presentation of Christ at …

CDP theme day – What would you miss? My house!

The theme this month on CIty Daily Photo is what would you miss if you had to leave the city you usually post from forever. Well, my answer is easy: Closerie Falaiseau, our Renaissance home built in 1584. Can you blame me? For other entries, click here. Le thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci est …

Winter pansies & Viburnum – Pensées d'hiver et laurier tin

It’s been perfectly miserable weather for several days but our pansies and viburnum, which will soon be covered in white flowers, remain cheerful. Le temps depuis quelques jours est vraiment tristes mais nos pensées et laurier tin qui sera bientôt totalement couvert de petites fleurs blanches, donnent une note de gaîté.