CDP Theme Day – Worker – Travailleur

The City Daily Photo theme for December is worker. This is Jean Michel drilling a hole through a 70 cm wall which is what you sometimes need to do when you live in a house that is over 400 years old! For other takes on the theme click here. Le thème de City Daily Photo …

Leccinum griseum – Bolet rude des charmes

Yesterday, we found our first leccinum carpini in the little wood behind our house. The taste of this boletus is nothing sensational but it still enhanced the taste of our omelette. Hier nous avons trouvé notre premier bolet des charmes (leccinum carpini, également appelé bolet raboteux, bolet rugueux et cèpe gris) dans le petit bois …

A Barrow of Spuds – Une brouette de patates

Today, we brought in our potato crop. Potatoes are very easy to grow and require absolutely no maintenance, unlike our tomatoes which suffered from lack of watering and got blight. Aujourd”hui nous avons récolté nos pommes de terre. Il est très facile de faire pousser les pommes de terres qui ne demandent aucun entretien à …

Hollyhocks & Roses – Roses trémières et Pierre de Ronsard

We arrived back in Blois today to see that all our hollyhocks were in bloom – and had the pleasant surprise to see that our Pierre de Ronsard roses had bloomed a second time. La première chose que nous avons vu en rentrant à Blois aujourd’hui étaient nos roses trémières. Nous avons eu la bonne …