Sun on the Bread Oven – Soleil sur le four à pain

The beam on this bread oven is original but not the bricks. The inside vault has been restored but there is no hearth. One day perhaps, it will come alive again … La poutre mais non pas les briques de ce four à pain est d’origine. La voûte intérieure est belle mais il n’y a …

November Theme Day for CDP – "heights"

We bought a very large ladder so that Jean Michel can climb up to the roof of our house, particularly to check the gutters. No way would I go up there!  I don’t have a head for heights. Not like the hornet nest destroyer who climbed up on the roof recently! Today is theme day …

View from the woods – Vue depuis le bois

Behind our house, Closerie Falaiseau, is a little wood that is part of the property.and is mainly inhabited by deer, but I haven’t managed to photograph them yet. Derrière notre maison, Closerie Falaiseau, nous avons un petit bois qui fait partie de la propriété et qui est surtout fréquenté par des biches, mais je n’ai …

Mandavilla & Pelargonium – Dipladenia & Pélargonium

I was looking for a flower for our rental accommodation that wouldn’t mind not been watered very often. My neighbour suggested the dipladenia (mandevilla splendens). This flowering vine with its pink, white, red and yellow flowers, is subtropical and mainly cultivated in pots in Europe for climatic reasons. Pelargonium is the real name of what we usually …

Sahara Rose – Rose Sahara

We bought this rose bush at Prieuré d’Orchaise last year under the name of Saharan Rose but apparently it’s called Sahara Rose. It is a climbing rose that changes colour at it matures – from a tender pink to a luminous abricot. Nous avons acheté ce rosier à la Prieuré d’Orchaise l’année dernière sous le nom de rose …

First edible mushrooms in our wood – Premiers champignons comestibles dans notre bois

L’année dernière nous avons trouvé des champignons dans notre bois mais nous n’avons pas su les identifier. Cette année, nous avons trouvé des bolets sous un conifère. Last year, we found some mushrooms in our wood but we couldn’t identify them. This year, we found some boletus mushrooms under a confier.