The Dahlia – Le dahlia

In case you have wondered where I’ve disappeared to, I’m discouraged by the awful weather and the resurgence of the pandemic just when it was all looking more positive. Maybe it will be like my dahlia – I was very excited when I first started growing four of them from tubers inside the house in …

Outdoor Cafés are Open – Les terrasses sont ouvertes

The cafés and restaurants in France opened again today after being closed for six months – but with outdoor seating only. Unfortunately in most places the weather was not on their side. We made the most of it by having our morning coffee break in our wood shed using our Turkish platter. Jean Michel is …

Our Covid Table – Notre table Covid

Little did we imagine when we bought this table a couple of years ago that it would be perfect for distancing with friends! Now that we have had our second Pfizer vaccine we will be able to invite friends without having to worry about getting sick. On était loin de penser en achetant cette table …

Chenonceau from the Bike Path – Chenonceau depuis la piste cyclable

Not everyone knows that there is a walking/bike path behind Château de Chenonceau, open to the public even when the grounds are closed. This was taken on Monday, our first day out of lockdown. Tout le monde ne sait pas qu’il y a un chemin qu’on peut emprunter à pied ou à vélo derrière le …

Happy May Day – Bonne fête du 1er mai

I know this is a little late but I thought it was a good way to celebrate the end of our current lockdown. We are told the number of deaths will soon diminish and its true that there are fewer hospital admissions. We can now go anywhere we like in France though there is still …

Late Clematis – Clématite tardive

After the black frost many of our spring flowers are blooming late. I thought this clematis would never open. Last weekend in lockdown. New rules will apply on Monday starting with no restriction on travelling within France. Après la gelée noire beaucoup de nos fleurs de printemps sont en retard. J’ai pensé que cette clématite …

A Second Lockdown Birthday – Un deuxième anniversaire confiné

As we are still in lockdown with restaurants closed since last October, I had my second birthday at home today. We usually dine in a Michelin starred restaurant and often go away for a few days to celebrate. But Jean Michel ordered gourmet takeaway from L’Orangerie du Château that arrived in the boxes below. It …

Perfect Batavia – Batavia parfaite

Batavia is my favourite lettuce and this is the first from our garden this year, grown one of the cold frames Jean Michel made during the first lockdown last spring. Safe from frost and slugs. La batavia est ma salade préférée et celle-ci est la première à sortir de notre potager cette année. Je l’ai …

The Rose Garden Passage – Passage de la roseraie

Blois has the most wonderful rose garden. This door is usually open from the end of May to the end of September. Let’s hope we will be free to visit it. Blois possède une roseraie merveilleuse. Cet accès est ouvert de la fin du mois de mai jusqu’à fin septembre. Espérons que nous pouvons le …