A Carpet of Cyclamens – Un tapis de cyclamens

We cycled pas this wonderful wood today full of cyclamens, near Monts, on our way to Saché. I thought they were wild but Susan from Days in the Claise tells me they were probably introduced at the beginning of the 19th century. They are self-seeding which means they reproduce very easily. Nous sommes passés par …

Life & Death of a Washhouse – Vie et mort d'un lavoir

This life of this wash house in nearby Coulanges  was short lived -1878 to 1973. However, in 1999, it was restored to be used as a picnic spot for hikers and cyclists. La vie de ce lavoir à Coulanges, tout près de chez nous, n’a pas durée longtemps : 1878 à 1973. Mai en 1999, …

La pompe à godets

We came across this pump today when cycling around Chaussée Saint Victoire. It was used to provide water to the surrounding farmland during periods of drought. i’m not sure what we call it in English. Nous avons vu cette pompe aux godets aujourd’hui en faisant du vélo à la Chaussée Saint Victoire. Elle était précieuse pour …

A Blue Brolly – Un parapluie particulier

Don’t you just love this umbrella for the urban cyclist? We saw this in our cycle shop in Orleans yesterday. Not that the Dutch need a special attachment. When we visited Amsterdam many years ago, I thought they were great riding along in their suits and holding an umbrella in one hand and sometimes a bouquet of …

CDP Theme Day: Young at Heart – Jeune de coeur

Today is City Daily Photo theme day when daily photo bloggers across the globe participate in a common theme. This month the subject is “Young at Heart”. I couldn’t resist sharing the anecdote below with you. This photo was obviously not taken by us. Credits to Philippe from BPF project. For other takes son the theme, …

Welcoming Cyclists – Bienvenue aux cyclists

We’ve had a very busy weekend cycling. This photo was taken between Amboise and Montlouis. A local wine grower keeps a shady table stocked wtih water for passing cyclists. What a great idea! Nous avons été très occupés ce weekend à faire du vélo. Cette photo est prise entre Amboise et Montlouis. Un vigneron local accueille …

Framed by the Loire – Dans le cadre de la Loire

We rode past this frame along the Loire at Chaumont. Emmanuelle et Philippe are promoting cycling as an art of living through a project called BFP which is aimed at combining cycling and art.  We’re waiting to see what happens next! In the meantime, you can like their Facebook page. Nous avons vu ce cadre …

Amboise Royal Chapel – La chapelle royale d'Amboise

We did a little round trip by bike from Chaumont to Amboise yesterday, delighted as ever with our power bikes. This was the view while eating our ice creams – the Saint Hubert’s chapel built at the very end of the 15th century where where what are thought to be the bones of Leonardo da Vinci …

Postcard #24 – Sigmaringen, Germany

We remembered the little town of Sigmarigen on the Danube from the first time we were here, in 2013.  It is still as pretty! Today, we cycled 94 kilometers in 6 hours with our electrically-assisted bikes. So much easier than the first time! Nous nous rappelons la petite ville de Sigmarigen sur le Danube de …