Every year, well ahead of spring, we have two little clumps of jonquils that brighten up the garden giving us hope for the New Year! Tous les ans, bien en amont du printemps, nous avons deux touffes de narcisses qui mettent de la couleur au jardin et nous donne de l’espoir pour le Nouvel An!
Category Archives: Flowers and gardens
Magnolia Season
I adore magnolias and these are truly splendid. J’adore les magnolias et ceux-ci sont splendides.
Winter Pruning – Taille d’hiver
We usually prune our roses and wisteria in January but we decided to wait until I got back from Boston. With more than twenty Rose bushes, it’s faster when there are the two of us. The house certainly looks bare. The second photo is a reminder of what it looks like in June. Nous avons …
CDP Theme Day – Winners
I love it when the nasturtiums leave their beds in September and start racing each other across the grass! For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo theme of the month – Winners – click here. J’adore le moment en septembre où les capucines quittent leurs parterres pour faire la course sur la pelouse. …
The Cloud Gardener’s Tower – La Tour du jardinier des nuages
This is seriously what it’s called. I don’t know how they dream up these names. C’est vraiment son nom. Je ne sais pas comment on imagine ces noms.
Before I had my own garden, I did not really appreciate asters. Now I do. They bloom at the end of summer and right through autumn and come in many sizes and colors. Chateau de Chaumont has a new aster garden that has just opened to the public. Avant d’avoir mon propre jardin, je n’appréciais …
The Greenhouse – La serre
Yesterday we discovered a greenhouse at Chaumont we had never seen before. I sat in the chair for a while and just soaked in the peaceful atmosphere. Hier nous avons découvert une serre à Chaumont que nous n’avions jamais vue. Je me suis assise pendant un petit moment pour absorber l’atmosphère paisible.
Dahlia Love – Amour de dahlias
Today we cycled to Château de Chaumont and I couldn’t wait to see the dahlia beds. My favourite is still crème de cassis. My own dahlias, after succumbing to slugs when I replanted them are finally producing some flowers. Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés au château de Chaumont en vélo et j’avais hâte de voir les …
The Dahlia – Le dahlia
In case you have wondered where I’ve disappeared to, I’m discouraged by the awful weather and the resurgence of the pandemic just when it was all looking more positive. Maybe it will be like my dahlia – I was very excited when I first started growing four of them from tubers inside the house in …
Poppies or Wheat? – Coquelicots ou blé?
Although it might look like field of poppies it actually a wheat field. we often see them when cycling but they are not easy to photograph because there is not usually a line of trees to define them. Cela ressemble peut-être à un champ de coquelicots mais en fait c’est un champ de blé. Nous …